National Capital Region Notes

The purpose of the National Capital Chapter is to provide opportunities for cyclists of average ability to enjoy a pleasant outdoor activity, to socialize, have fun, and keep active and healthy.

The Chapter offers its members two categories of local rides in addition to organizing and participating in tours (moving on) and hub and spoke  (fixed centre) rides offered to all members of the Cross Canada Cycle Tour Society (CCCTS).

Ride Season : The ride season will commence when the weather permits and volunteers are available to lead rides. The ride season ends when the weather deteriorates, and volunteers are not available to lead rides. 

Ride Categories : 1) Easy Riders should be able to cycle at speeds from 18 – 21 km/hr (on flat ground with no wind). Rides will generally be 40 to 70 km in distance but may be varied at the discretion of the volunteer ride leader. These rides will generally take place on Thursdays. 2) Fast Rollers should be able to cycle at speeds between 21 to 25 km/hr (on flat ground with no wind). Rides will generally be 60 to 90 km in distance but may be varied at the discretion of the volunteer ride leader. These rides will generally take place on Tuesdays. ·

Ride Days : Tuesday rides will normally be longer and faster rides suitable for fast rollers.  However, a shorter ride option may be offered including starting from the same start location, a secondary start location along the proposed route, or offering a different route altogether. Thursday rides will normally be shorter and slower rides suitable for easy riders.  However, a longer ride option may be offered including starting from the same start location, starting from a point extended from the proposed route, or offering a different route altogether.  In addition, volunteer ride leaders may offer to lead rides on other days of the week.

Ride Departure Times -The normal time for rides to depart is 10:00 am.  However, the ride leader may adjust the starting time based on anticipated weather conditions (forecast rain, cool or hot temperatures, etc.) and to ensure the safety and comfort of riders. Starting times may be as early as 8:00 am or as late as noon. Riders should be aware of the starting time and plan to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled time. 

Important Information for Members
Schedule of Rides: The schedule of local rides will be posted on or   Additional Information about the rides offered each week will normally be sent by Sam Ludmer  to each member via e-mail the Friday prior to the week’s rides. The information will include how to sign up for one or more of the offered rides.

Sign up sheets: Each ride will have a separate sign-up sheet. To participate in a ride, members must pre-register on the sign-up sheet for the ride. Sign-up sheets will be available for registering starting on Saturdays at 9 AM and will close at 6:00 PM on the day before the scheduled ride (6:00 pm Monday for Tuesday rides and 6:00 pm Wednesday for Thursday rides).  Keep in mind, there may be several signup sheets activated at the same time.  Make sure you choose accordingly.

Rider cancellation : If a rider has already signed up for a ride and then discovers they cannot attend, please remove your name from the signup sheet.  If the signup sheet has closed (i.e. 6 PM  the day before), the rider cancelling will remove his/her name AND notify the ride leader.

Group Size : The maximum number of riders for a ride is 24. Upon signing up for the ride, members will be asked if they are willing to lead a subgroup, if necessary.  At their discretion, and considering the road and cycle path traffic and the varying comfort speeds of the riders,  a ride leader may divide the riders into two or more groups drawing upon one or more volunteers to lead the second or third group as required. (it is recommended that the ride leader consider this when group size exceeds 8 to10 riders). When signing up for a ride, a member will be required to provide name, cell phone number, e-mail address, emergency contact cell phone number, willingness to act as a ride leader of a ride subgroup, acceptance of CCCTS’s Health protocols. hps:// and the

CCCTS liability waiver.
If, after signing up for a ride, a member must cancel, he/she should remove their name from the sign-up sheet and notify the ride leader. 

Ride Postponement, Change or Cancellation: Often the weather can change significantly from what was predicted a few days before the planned ride. For that reason, cancellation or postponement will be considered a day or so before the actual ride unless it is a virtual certainty. In the event of inclement weather conditions (rain, snow, heat, poor air quality) an emergency or illness of the ride leader, the ride may be postponed to another day, changed to a different start me, changed to a shorter route, or cancelled at the discretion of the ride leader.  In particular, when a heat warning or alert is issued for the area, or the Air Quality Index is 7 or higher (High Risk) cancellation shall be seriously considered. The ride leader will notify those on the sign-up sheet  by e-mail the day before if the ride is doubtful for the above-mentioned reasons.  This should be followed up by another email no later than 8:00 AM the morning of the scheduled ride indicating whether the ride will take place as scheduled, will be postponed (with  details of the postponement, if known), or will be cancelled.  Notify Barbara Wilson so the calendar can be updated.

Important Information for Ride Leaders
Without volunteer ride leaders willing to lead our local weekly rides the club would lose its most important activity.  Being a ride leader requires some pre-ride organization, communication, leadership, and being responsible for the safety of the cycling group.  Leading a ride can be a joint effort involving shadowing and co-leading. The principal steps are :
1. If you have a favourite route, check to see if the route is in our library of rides on Ride with GPS (access the library from the Ride with GPS home page by clicking on the CCCTS.orglogo)

2. Go to the National Capital Chapter on and check the calendar for a suitable opening, or choose an alternateTuesday or Thursday. 

3. Submit your ride proposal to Barbara Wilson AND Sam Ludmer  for entry into the calendar no later than the Thursday prior to the week you wish to lead the ride.  Include your name, e-mail, and phone number. Also include the name of the ride, date of the ride, start time, start location, distance, and route details including the RWGPS link from the CCCTS library. You should also include lunch plans (picnic preferred) any coffee shop breaks etc. and any other relevant information which may help members to decide whether to sign up for the ride.   Refer to template below for ease in offering a ride, or use an existing ride on the calendar and adjust to suit your specific ride details.   

 4. Prior to the ride date : Gather up information you may need on the ride. These include a copy of the CCCTS incident report found at (for accidents and other significant issues which may arise on the ride), a hard copy of the ride map and cue sheet, and a copy of the sign-up sheet of members who have signed up for the ride. If possible, ride or drive your proposed route to familiarize yourself with the route and note any challenges that might arise such as road construction and detours.     

5. Two days before the ride :  Check the long-term weather forecasts to determine if you might require a postponement, modification, or cancelation of your ride. Consider your options but do not make final decisions at this point. If you have concerns about the weather, communicate these to the members who have signed up for the ride and what options you are considering. Your final decision should be communicated after the sign-up period has closed (6:00pm on the evening before the ride day) but no later that 8:00 am on the morning of the ride.   

6. Breaking into Sub-Groups : If the number of members who have signed up for your ride exceeds the number that is safe for a single group, you should plan to divide the riders into two or more groups. Prior to the ride you should reach out to one or more of the riders who has agreed to serve as a group leader and discuss how the groups should be divided (faster group, slower group, assigned by the leader, random groups, mix of new and older members).  You should also discuss with the leaders of these subgroups the expected safety protocols and actions to be taken with respect to accidents or mechanical breakdowns.

7.The day of the ride : Arrive at the departure site 20 minutes in advance of the scheduled departure time to meet and greet members as they arrive. Use the sign-up sheet to confirm their presence. Prior to the departure, have a short meeting which should include  self introduction of the riders and the group leaders (if dividing into smaller groups), the cycling pace of the groups,  any planned stops along the route, the lunch stop and availability of food or drink close to the lunch stop, rider etiquette including voice and hand riding signals. Ask for a volunteer sweep for each group who makes sure no one is left behind. Have each ride leader and sweep exchange cellphone numbers so they can
communicate with each other in case of emergencies on route. 

8. Emergencies on the route. The most common mechanical breakdown is a flat tire. Normally this can be repaired by finding the cause of the puncture removing the glass, nail etc. and replacing the inner tube. Other breakdowns may include cable or derailer cables, the bike chain jamming between the gears and the wheel spokes. The member and you need to assess whether the breakdown can be repaired en route or whether the member needs outside assistance to get them back to the departure point
(Emergency contact, CAA etc.) Accident.  Assess the situation.  Did the rider sustain a
significant impact to their head, face, neck or body?  Is the rider coherent? Do they have a headache, dizziness, are they confused, dazed slow?  Are there any suspected fractures? Call 911 with the details and your location (Road and nearest house number.) requesting paramedic services. Hyperthermia and Dehydration. Assess the situation, A headache, dizziness, nausea, and confusion are definite signs. When riding on warmer days have more stops for water breaks. If rider is showing signs, find shade or a cool spot where
arrangements may be made for a pick- up.  Another rider should stay with them until outside support arrives.

9. Accounting for Riders – Sometimes riders may ride ahead of the group and may miss an important directional turn.  If you observe such behaviour,  remind them to wait for the group at the next turn or stop sign.  If they ignore such a request and ride onward, they will be considered to have left the group. On the other hand, some participants will leave the ride during breaks or if they are close to their final destination (home). Ask all riders to inform you and/or the sweep if they are leaving the ride. The leader has the responsibility for the safety of the group and has the authority to expel a rider from a ride for cause related to significant breaches of safety or threats to other members. 

10. At the end of the ride : Stay at the destination until all riders have returned.    Ask participants if they have any questions or concerns.     

11. If there have been any incidents on the ride send
a brief report within 24 hours of completion of the ride.



Name of Ride : [Start-destination]  and distance of your ride

Ride Leader : Name, email, cell phone

Date of Ride with Start Time :

Start Location : 

Group Size :

Route details :   RWGPS link from CCCTS library or check with Richard Tobin

Lunch plans : 

Other information :

Pre-registration times : NEW as of September 2024                                                                                9am the Saturday before your ride until 6pm the evening before your ride.

Sign up Link

Ride Guidelines : These guidelines apply to our club rides as well as solo riding.  REMEMBER, we share the roads/paths with other users

Please read carefully and understand what is expected of you on a club ride.

  • Practice PVACCC riding … Predictability, Visibility, Anticipation, Cooperation, Courtesy, Communication
  • Arrive at the designated start location in good time (10 min. early)
  • Make sure your bike is road worthy (tires pumped, brakes adjusted, etc.)
  • Make sure you have tools, spare tube or two, water, sunscreen, ID, emergency contact info., cash/credit card, small first aid kit.
  • Know the rules of the road and abide by them.
  • Be predictable and avoid any sudden moves.
  • Anticipate any changes in the road surface or direction of travel.
  • Be considerate of your  fellow cyclists and other road users.
  • Know the accepted signals and verbal calls and use them.
  • Take responsibility for the safety within the group as well as your own safety.
  • Stay with the group unless the ride leader of sweep is notified of an early departure.
  • Notify the ride leader if any difficulties arise during the ride.
  • Be prepared to act as sweep if asked by the ride leader.


SIGNALLING AND VERBAL CALLS : Used when riding as part of a group or for solo riding.  For group riding, each rider is responsible to pass information, either verbal and/or signalling, to following riders.  For both group and solo riding, using these maneuvers will indicate to other road/path users that you are a responsible and considerate cyclist.

LEFT TURN : Use LEFT arm extended parallel to the ground.  Call “LEFT TURN” to following riders.

RIGHT TURN : Sit up on your bike so signal is more visible.  Use LEFT arm extended, forearm turned UP at right angles, palm forward.  And/or, use RIGHT arm extended to the right parallel to the ground.  Call “RIGHT TURN” to following riders.

SLOWING : LEFT arm extended, forearm turned DOWN, palm facing back.  Call “SLOWING” to following riders.  Stop pedaling and prepare to brake.

STOPPING : Same signal as above.  Call “STOPPING” to following riders, gear down, stop pedaling, brake gently.

SLOWING/STOPPING : Use combination of above.

HAZARDS ON THE ROAD : Use either RIGHT or LEFT hand depending on position of hazard so following riders know which side to pass.  Point and call “GLASS”, “POTHOLE”, GRAVEL”, “ROADKILL”, etc. to indicate the type of hazard

MOVING OUT : To avoid parked cars, joggers, overtaking others cyclists, losing shoulder. or anything causing you to move out of your line of travel.  RIGHT arm behind back, point and move hand from right to left.  Call “MOVING OUT”

RAILWAY TRACKS : Use RIGHT or LEFT  arm behind back with back and forth motion.  Call “TRACKS” to following riders.  Slow down.  Position yourself to cross at RIGHT ANGLES when safe to do so, or dismount and walk over tracks (SLOWING, STOPPING)

TRUCKS APPROACHING FROM THE REAR : Last rider calls “TRUCK BACK” and uses LEFT arm to “push” truck to left lane.  Give a friendly wave.


ONCOMING TRAFFIC : Call “CAR UP” if rear approaching traffic warrants 


CCCTS Returning Members/New Riders Information Sheet

  • Before the ride :
  1. An email will be sent out to you on a weekly basis by Sam Ludmer.
  2. If the ride is a remote start, contact the leader if you plan to participate.
  3. Check your bike and make sure it is in good working order.
  4. Make sure you have a few tools, spare tube, pump, water, snack, lunch if applicable, ID with emergency contact info, credit card/$$, cell phone, small first aid kit, extra stuff depending on weather.

At the Start :

  1. Arrive at the start location in good time for a 10 AM leave time.
  2. Introduce yourself/Sign in with the ride leader.
  3. Ask any questions in regard to the ride.
  4. Know/practice the accepted signals and verbal calls.
  5. Know the rules of the road.

During the Ride :

  1. Practice PACCC riding … Predictability, , Anticipation, Communication, Cooperation, Courtesy.
  2. Be visible with bright clothing and lights
  3. Abide by the rules of the road.
  4. Use accepted signals and verbal commands
  5. Be predictable and avoid sudden moves
  6. Use shoulder checks and mirrors frequently to know what traffic is doing behind you
  7. Anticipate any changes in road surface or direction of travel
  8. Be considerate of your fellow cyclists and other road/path users.
  9. Use “Passing on your left” and sound bell well in advance when approaching another rider from the rear.
  10. Take responsibility for the safety within the group as well as your own safety
  11. Stay with the group ; Notify the ride leader of an early departure.
  12. Notify the ride leader if any difficulties arise.

Obstacles and Hazards on the Road

  • Railway tracks : Slow down ; Cross at right angles ; If in doubt (traffic approaching from either direction), stop, dismount, walk across
  • Trucks approaching from the rear : Last rider indicates approach of truck ; Signal for truck to “move over” ; Give a friendly wave
  • Vehicles with trailers : Assume all passing traffic has a trailer ; Hold your line of travel
  • Pavement cracks : In hot weather they are soft and easy to catch a wheel.
  • Road kill : Indicate in plenty of time ; Avoid swerving to avoid
  • Dooring : Give ample room (take the lane) when passing parked cars to avoid the unexpected.
  • Blind Spots : Especially around buses, trucks, vans.  If you can see the driver in his/her rear view mirror, they can see you.
  • One metre rule (3 feet) : A shared responsibility.

Where to be on the Road

  • Be responsible for your own safety as well as the safety of the group.
  • Two-Way Traffic : Stay to the right but don’t hug the curb or shoulder.
  • In Heavy Slow-moving Traffic : Claim your space in the middle of a lane ; Don’t skirt the edges as drivers are too likely to take chances on getting around you and you might get side-swiped.
    • When passing parked cars or other hazards : Check traffic flow behind well in advance ; Signal moving out, sooner rather than later, giving at least 1.5 metre to avoid dooring.
    • Making a Right Turn :  Stay in the line of traffic ; Signal ; Proceed When safe.
    • Making a Left Turn with One Turning Lane : Anticipate well in advance ; Check the flow of traffic behind ; Signal ; When safe move over toward the centre of lane in line with traffic in front of you (this prevents cars from coming up beside you) ; Keep in line with cars in front ; Continue to signal ; Make the turn into right side of lane on new road ; Avoid cutting the corner.
  • Making a Left Turn with Two Turning Lanes : Anticipate well in advance ; Check the flow of traffic behind ; Signal ; When safe, move over to the centre of the right of the 2 turning lane in line with traffic in front of you (this prevents cars from coming up beside you) ; Continue to signal ; Make the turn into right side of new road ; Avoid cutting corners.
  • At a red light : Indicate a stop.  Keep behind stopped cars ahead to avoid vehicles stopping beside you.  If there is a bicycle-designated lane, use it..
  • Roundabouts : Use the bicycle lane if there is one.  Otherwise take the full lane for better visibility.  If there are 2 lanes, be in the correct lane depending on direction of travel.  Signal your intention when approaching/making your exit.
  • Beware of vehicles turning right!
  • Always be vigilant : use shoulder checks and mirrors regularly.

REMEMBER this is your ride and is meant to be an enjoyable and safe experience

After the Ride :

  1. Thank the ride leader
  2. Any questions, queries, etc. should be directed to the ride leader and/or the club Rep.


NEW (April 21, 2021)


This information is taken from Cycling Canada’s Complete Concussion Management document, Original/current version approved: May, 2020 

Concussions are frequent injuries in cycling crashes and it can be difficult for on-site members to understand how to properly identify and manage a cyclist with a suspected concussion


The following information can be used as a guide for CCCTS ride leaders and participants alike.  IF IN DOUBT, CALL 911

Ride leaders MUST carry a copy  of the CCCTS incident report on ALL their rides to document any accident.

Basic education and instructions on how to properly proceed if faced with a suspected head injury while on a ride :

a) A concussion should be suspected in any cyclist who sustains a significant impact to the head, face, neck, or body and demonstrates ANY of the visual signs of a suspected concussion listed below or reports ANY symptoms of a suspected concussion based on the common signs and symptoms listed below. 

b)Common Signs and Symptoms :  Headache ; Dizziness ;  Confusion ; Disorientation ;  Feeling “dinged” “bell rung” “dazed” “slow” “foggy” ; Ringing in the ears ;  Pressure in the head ;  Neck pain/stiffness ; See stars/flashing lights ; Memory problems (events leading up to the injury and events after the injury) ; Vision problems ;  Balance problems ;   Nausea/Vomiting ; Personality changes ;  Concentration problems ; Coordination/Balance problems ; Slurred speech ; Slow to respond to questions ; Serious 

c)Advanced signs and Symptoms : Severe pain or pressure in head or neck ; Sensory or motor deficits ;  Blood or fluid from nose or ears ; Diminishing level of consciousness ; Impaired breathing ; Loss of memory (amnesia) before impact of 30 or more minutes.

d)If a cyclist has a suspected head injury, please follow the following management protocol.  The cyclist should be assessed by a Medical Doctor or Nurse Practitioner as soon as possible.

1) Do not allow the cyclist back on his/her bike ; 

2) Call 911 ; 

3) If any of the signs and symptoms become worse or if new signs and symptoms appear, call 911 

4) Cyclist must be cleared by healthcare professional before returning to sport 

5) Advise cyclist to seek follow up care by a healthcare professional upon return to the city of residence. 

e)DO NOT DO THE FOLLOWING : allow the cyclist to consume alcohol ; once conscious, wake the cyclist every 2 hours (a  concussion is a bruised brain, let it sleep, rest is good, monitor during waking hours) ; leave the cyclist unattended for more than 1-2 hrs ; allow the cyclist to return to cycling unless appropriate.

If somebody has a serious closed head injury, however, and has lost consciousness, there is fear of subdural bleeding and brain compression. Therefore that person needs to wake up to make sure they don’t need emergency brain surgery


Safety First … Cycling and the Law

Check out these websites for information on Cycling and the Law 



Club Discounts  Update for 2024 is here!
    • As of May 2024, the following merchants will provide a club discount.  Please show your membership card:

      Giant Orleans: 2404, St. Joseph Blvd, Orleans : 10% discount on all parts and accessories. No discount on complete bikes.

      Giant Ottawa:1162 Bank Street, Old Ottawa South ; 10% discount on all parts and accessories. No discount on complete bikes.

      Giant Kanata (NEW ADDITION): 499 Terry Fox Drive, Unit 40B (Signature Plaza) ; 10% discount on all parts and accessories. No discount on complete bikes.


      Bushtukah (3 locations): 203 Richmond Road Ottawa ;  5607 Hazeldean Road Stittsville and 2016 Tenth Line Road Unit 1, Orleans : 10% discount on regular priced items. INCLUDES BIKES.

      If members are ordering online, they should reference the club affiliation in the comments section on the check out screen. On a mobile device they should select “Show Order Summary” at the checkout screen to access the comments box. Regular price items will be adjusted in price prior to the order being finalized and the final charge to the member will be amended.)

      Of Interest to our Membership : Canadian Shield Bike Packing Summit

      Bushtukah will be attending an exciting event in Wakefield that we  may be interested in.

      Vorlage is hosting the Canadian Shield Bike Packing Summit the weekend of May 24-26th

      The weekend will include group rides, presentations, prizes and a chance to network with other like-minded riders.  (Good food and beer)

      Furthermore  – Bushtukah has some great deals on gravel bikes for new riders or those looking to upgrade.


      Fresh Air Experience: 1291 Wellington Street West : 10% off parts, accessories, clothing. No discount on complete bikes.


      Cyco’s Bike Shop: 5 Hawthorne Avenue, Ottawa :  15 % discount on merchandise and rentals.