National Capital Region Events

Constance Bay clockwise, 80 km (Richcraft)
Jul 30 @ 10:00 am
Constance Bay clockwise, 80 km (Richcraft)

Date of Ride :   Tues. July 30, 2024

Start Time : 10:00 a.m.

Name of Ride :  Constance Bay clockwise, 80 km, Fast Rollers

Ride Leader : Lori Henley, 613-979-3782

Start Location :    Richcraft Recreation Complex

Route details :

Other information:  Lunch stop at the Bay Café in Constance Bay or picnic on their patio instead of the Pointe Lounge as indicated on the route.

   Pre-registration times : Sat. July 6 at 9 am till Monday July 8 at 6 pm

OSGOODE  – SPENCERVILLE 86.6k Fast Rollers
Aug 1 @ 9:30 am
OSGOODE  - SPENCERVILLE 86.6k Fast Rollers


    Date of Ride :Thursday August 1, 2024
           Start time: 9.30 am Start at Osgoode Community Centre, 5660 Osgoode Main St.

          Name of ride: Osgoode – Spencerville, 86.6 km                   
           Ride Leader: Nel Ahmed, 613-592-2891.                Star
           Route details:

               We cycle to  Spencerville for a picnic lunch on the grounds of the Spencerville Mill possibility to pick up supplies at the Village Pantry, as well as the new coffee shop “The Odd Spot right next to the Village Pantry. 

Lunch: picnic  on the grounds of the Spencerville Mill

  On the return we will stop at the General Store in Halville for butter tarts, ice cream etc. 

         Registration times : Sat. July 27 at 9.00 am till Wednesday July 31 at 6.00 pm
 Sign up



Farmers Way-Metcalfe via Kenmore 63.4 km [Easy Riders]
Aug 1 @ 10:00 am
Farmers Way-Metcalfe via Kenmore 63.4 km [Easy Riders]

 Name of Ride : Farmer’s Way-Metcalfe via Kenmore  63.4 km [Easy Riders]

Date :  Aug 1, 2024

Start time : 10 AM

Ride Leader: Barbara Wilson   613-355-2377

Start Location : Julian de Guzman Park, Leitrim Rd. at Farmer’s Way.

Distance :  63.4 km

Route details :

Lunch plans:  Refreshment stops along the way ; Picnic lunch in Victoria Park, Metcalfe  (42  km)

Other information:  Please respect the average speed of this group (18-21 km/h).  If you are looking for a faster ride, this ride is not for you.  We have been given permission to park in the JDG  parking area at the front of the building.  Please respect the area

Pre-registration times:  Sat. July 27 @ 9 AM – Wed July 31 @ 6PM


Finch-Long Sault Parkway 56 km [Easy Riders]
Aug 8 @ 10:00 am
Finch-Long Sault Parkway 56 km [Easy Riders]

Name of Ride : Finch-Long Sault Parkway 56 km [Easy Riders]

Date :  Aug 8, 2024

Start time : 10 AM

Ride Leader: Barbara Wilson   613-355-2377

Start Location :  Finch Community Centre,  4 John Street (at the back of the buildings)

Distance :  56 km

Route details :

Lunch plans:  Refreshment stops along the way ; Picnic lunch on the beach at Mile Roches Island (26 km) ; Ice cream stop in ingleside (36 km+/-)

Other information:  Please respect the average speed of this group (18-21 km/h).  If you are looking for a faster ride, this ride is not for you.  

Pre-registration times:  Sat. Aug. 3 @ 9 AM – Wed Aug. 7 @ 6PM


Richcraft – Fitzroy Harbour 69.4 km [Easy Riders]
Aug 15 @ 10:00 am
Richcraft - Fitzroy Harbour 69.4 km [Easy Riders]

July 11, 2024, 10 AM

Richcraft – Fitzroy Harbour 69.4 km [Easy Riders]

 Name of Ride: Richcraft – Fitzroy Harbour2

Date and Start Time: July 11, 2024 at 10:00

Ride Leader: Richard Tobin, 613-983-4252,

Start Location: Richcraft Recreation Complex, Kanata

Distance:  69.4 km

Route details:

Lunch plans:  Picnic lunch on the beach at 37 km. 

Other information:  Washroom break at 25 km.  Limited snacks and drinks available in Fitzroy Harbour

Pre-registration times:  Sat. July 6 @ 9 AM – Wed July 10 @ 6 PM Link