2022 Comox Valley Hub and Spoke – for CV VOLUNTEERS ONLY

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  • Leader: Lawrence Vea (lawvea@gmail.com)
  • Leader Phone: 587-989-8255
  • Trip Dates: Mon, 20 Jun 2022 -- Fri, 24 Jun 2022
  • Trip Classification: Intermediate
  • Trip Fee: $0 CAD
  • Trip Numbers: minimum 1 , maximum 50
  • Trip Registration Opens: Sun, 1 May 2022 7:00 AM (pacific time)
  • Registration Lottery Ends: Thu, 19 May 2022 4:00 PM (pacific time)
  • Trip Registration Closes: Fri, 20 May 2022 4:00 PM (pacific time)
Ride Description:

Visit Courtenay, Comox and Cumberland while enjoying five days of riding in the beautiful Comox Valley and surrounding islands including Denman, Hornby and Quadra as well as a challenging  18 km ride up Mt. Washington.  Leads & Sweeps for all rides.

Current BC and CCCTS Covid19 precautions will be followed at all social gatherings and during rides. Please read the Club’s “ CCCTS Staying Safe: Guidelines for 2022"    https://cccts.org/club-document/staying-safe-guidelines-for-2021/

These guidelines will be updated as the BC Covid situation changes.



Accommodation Reservations:

Not applicable

Riding Conditions:

Riding conditions will vary from quiet country roads with limited shoulders to good shoulders on Highway 19 & 19A.  A few bike paths will be encountered in the various communities. All roads will be paved.


Fee Includes:

Campsite rental for Registration, stationary supplies and other articles for registration, goodies at registration, GPS map descriptions for all rides plus Leads & Sweeps for all rides;  Thursday evening “brat” bbq.


Fee Does Not Include:

Optional Monday salmon dinner at Sunnydale Golf Course to which you may also bring a fully vaccinated "guest'; "guests" to the brat bbq on Thursday who should be paid for at the Monday registration.  "Guests" must be fully vaccinated.

Any other meals, drinks, accommodation, transportation.



Mon. June 20, 11:00 – 3:00: Registration and signup for rides if not already done so (will likely have the opportunity to sign up online before the event)  at the Puntledge River Campground. Meet & greet.                      

2:00 –brief meeting to clarify rides and events. ranging from challenging to leisurely in the Valley and on Denman, Hornby and Quadra

1:30 – 3:30 -Discover our Town Rides every 30 minutes including stops at bicycle shops.

6:30 –Sunnydale Golfcourse Clubhouse - Optional salmon dinner. ($30 cost.  May bring a guest)

Tues. June 21 – Thur. June 23rd choice of 7 rides each day ranging from 40 km to 100 km. Most rides begin at 9:30 AM.  A more detailed description of all the rides with GPS maps will be emailed to each registrant much closer to the Hub & Spoke.

Wednesday evening – possibly kayaking. This is a private, independent activity, non-sanctioned by the CCCTS.

Thur. evening June 23, 5:30 – Optional BBQ and music around the campfire. You are encouraged to bring your instruments for a performance and/or sing-a-long. There will be a $7 charge which will partially cover costs.  May bring a guest.

Friday, June 24 7:30 – “Coffee at the Airport”   Short ride along the ocean for morning coffee, and back in plenty of time to check out of your accommodation.

Registration and Participant Selection:

Registration will open on May 1, 2022 on the CCCTS website and close on May 20, 2022. As an event Volunteer supporting the 2020 Comox Valley Hub & Spoke, your $25 Registration fee is waived. Thank you!  

“Stripe fees” are applied for CCCTS registration transactions. Stripe fees will be deducted when there is a refund of registration fees paid by a Club member if a ride is cancelled by the Ride Leader due to COVID or some other reason.
Currently the Stripe fee is 2.9% + 30 cents for a Club ride registration fee (Hub & Spoke or Tour) of any value.