Englishman River Falls (2019-06-07)

Englishman River Falls

15 riders participated in a pleasant 58 km ride from Qualicum Beach to Englishman River Falls with a stop at French Creek Marina.  A short shower accompanied the group as they made their way from the Falls but all was well by the time they made it to “Goats on the Roof” for lunch.  Thanks to Eamonn and Rhonda for coordinating and a big congrats to Rhonda who rode to Qualicum Beach from Courtenay to start the ride and did about 120 km of cycling.

A small group of 6 also met at the Filberg Centre and rode up Dove Creek Road and down Farnham Rd, Headquarters, Bridges, Huband, Waveland, Eleanor and eventually ending up at the Airport for coffee.  A nice 54 km ride.