All posts by Alex Laird
Final Day – Into Venice
It was a long and busy day from Babione into Venice. 93.2 kilometres with a mere 106 meters of elevation gain. We got of a half hour early because of the long day. The 93.2 kilometres only took us to Sabbioni. From there we took boat to Venice proper.
We landed near San Marco square and mingled with the horde of other tourists we made our way through Venice toward our hotel in Maestro.
After many speeches, more than a few drinks, a very fine dinner and many songs (some of them even in English) we all said our farewells to a very fine trip.
Day 14 – Udine to Bibione – by Barb Mathias
82 kms mostly flat
All but one cyclist got past the barricade. I fell sideways slipping off my pedal.
The walled city of Pama something. Much like Lucca.
A bug day. Clouds of flying ants smacking our faces and bodies. Kept our mouths shut.
Rustling leaves of huge fields of dried corn. The hard kind for cornmeal and flour, we supposed.
Time out as Damir fixed another flat
Arrival at our near the beach hotel
Trish’s first Apercol spritz
Delores came back from her swim commenting on the sea of umbrellas.
She didn’t exaggerate.
The Adriatic Sea
The wonderful fine sand patterns
Imagining the crowds if all umbrellas were taken. But the crowds had left.
Mosquitos attacked for the first time here, but the seafood was delicious!
Day 13 – Kobarid to Udine – by Barb Mathias
Day 13 – Kobarid to Udine
It was a short and easy ride today. Only 53.4 kilometres with an elevation gain of 161 meters. However it was a day of dramatically changing geography. We rode for about 10 kilometres to get to the Italian boarder.
During that time we continued to ride in the deep valleys typical of Slovenia. As we got further into Italy opened up and eventually became quite flat by the time that we reached Udine. Also gone was the rich black soil of Germany and Austria. The light brown rocky soil of Italy is distinctly different.
Udine is a large (approximately 100,000 residents) and very old city. It is distinctly not tourist oriented. It is a industrial and economic centre for the region. None the less it has some amazing architecture. For example this Venetian Villa on the main town square.
Tomorrow is another easy day across the flat countryside, but distinctly longer at over 80 kilometers.
Day 12 – Bled to Kobarid – by Barb Mathias
Oh, yes, seeing lots of these…
Beautiful greens and blue waters
Cottage Cheese and apple strudel
Second train day showing the CarTrain
Yoga moves became a push-up competition. Both were strong but David lasted.
Damir had to stay with the van
At Napoleon Bridge above Kobarid. No sport jumping today – 21 metre drop
Jota. Famous bean sauerkraut soup
Jazbec Hotel, warm hospitality, gave all of us a black cycling head scarf
Day 12 – Bled to Kobarid
We awoke to a light but steady drizzle in Bled. We got underway as usual at about 9:00 headed for the train station in Bohinjska Bistrica. Our original plan was to catch the train before lunch. However the train with the bicycle car was not available until 1:25. So we rode to Bohinjska Bistrica where most of us added a few extra kilometers with a nice ride over to the picturesque lake of Bohinjsko Jezero.
After lunch at the local super market we headed for the train station and our trip through the mountains to the Soca river valley. The railway trip was an experience in itself. The track was laid in 1903, I believe. It doesn’t look like a lot has changed since then. Complete with a conductor with his head and red flag out the window to communicate with the engine.
After our train ride it was a quick 20k to our hotel on the outskirts of the historic town of Kobarid. Some busy local roads, but mostly idyllic lanes that wound through one tiny little village after another.
Tomorrow only 10k to the Italian border.
Day 10 – Villach to Bled – by Barb Mathias
Heavy fog over the river Drau to start
First detour off river cycle path
Uncommon longhaired horned cattle
Looks and feels like Fall. Wikipedia claims that Slovenia is the most water-rich country in the world.
Damir and Ray consulting with a local cyclist about the detour suggested
Any guesses? Charlotte told us this is a field of buckwheat.
This is it, the start of the serious climbing.
A map suggests, it does not tell the whole tale. From C to K took over 1.5 hours. Cool air and shadows helped.
Oh gawd it is slow. Hm, that patch reminds me of the British Isles…
Good van support. Alen offered rides to any requesting relief, and carried our day packs to the summit.
There’s always botany while pushing up an 18% grade…
Past history looking towards Austria
And we made it to Slovenia! Third country of the tour.
And the cycling day is only half done.
Rorschach asphalt blot comparison
Yay. In beautiful Slovenia with earned downhill cycling ahead. Flying down smoothly paved roads, wind in the helmet rigging, yahoo.
Lots of selective logging throughout the tour so far. Most homes have huge amounts of split wood stored nearby.
The cycle paths are remarkably well done in all three countries. Paved or well-packed gravel, separated from vehicles, well-signed.
Aha. Finally evident. Hay drying.
Lake Bled and the local oar-powered boat for rent
And finally, a local dish – Cepachcîcî. Or something like that…
Day 8 – Mallnitz
Today we rode from St. Johann to Mallnitz. A relatively short day at only 47.9 kilometers, but a wee bit of climbing with a total elevation gain of 1039 meters. In the process we crossed to the southern side of the alps.
We started the day with gentle meandering along the river. It didn’t take long before the grade picked up as we ascended to the very interesting reservoir show below.
Most of the day today was on country roads rather than bike trail. But much of that had very little traffic. Below is David on one of these beautiful stretches.
Although there was no threat of rain today, most people were wrapped up because of the temperature as we gained in altitude.
This is a fairly heavily travelled biking route. At one point we were chatting with a couple who introduced themselves as coming from a country called Canada. We pointed out that yes we had heard of Canada. It turns out that they are from Salt Springs Island. They are riding their recumbent tandem on a 3 month tour of Europe. Barry & Mary Ellen Bartlet. You can read all about their adventure on their blog.
Although we had been climbing most of the day, the serious stuff came after lunch in the town of Bad Gastein. It is a beautiful old resort town.
It’s most interesting feature is the waterfall right in the middle of town. We rode alongside the falls as we climbed. I stopped about half way up to take a picture of what we had just climbed and another of what we had yet to look forward to.
Finally! The train station at the top. From here all the cars and all the bikes board a very nice electric train that takes you through a tunnel to southern side of the alps.
We spend the night in Mallnitz, just a couple of kilometres from the mouth of the tunnel. It is a very small town, more of ski resort really. It won’t be too long before it springs to life as the snow creeps further down the mountain.
Day 7 – Salzburg to Sankt Johann – by Barb Mathias
Stopping to choose to check out a castle, versus moving along.
Alen pointed out that one castle is much like another…and the road is drying so we opted to cycle
63 kms done; found this comfortable hotel ready for us
And the view and weather improved.
Wiener schnitzel is everywhere, but there are other options, like this Turkish platter
Day 6 – Salzburg Rest Day – by Barb Mathias
There were 17 stories in this rainy Austrian city. “This is just one of them”…
Inside the massive Dom in the plaza
One can recline on the wooden bench to listen to the acoustics generated by this machine, reverberating through the cathedral
Strolling along the Salzach river under awesome trees
Rick is gazing at the commanding fortress high above Salzburg
A sea of umbrellas. A day to be off bikes.
Our hotel is on the other side of this imposing rock wall
Accessed via this pedestrian/cycle tunnel.
The top is accessible by a lift or funicular for a good view
With luck we will have a dry cycling day tomorrow.
Day 5 – Traunstein to Salzburg – by Barb Mathias
Day 4 – Neubeuern to Traunstein – by Barb Mathias
Just another beautiful town in Bavaria
Even the slugs are tidy
These poles showcase the activities and economies of the town
We trailed behind him as he took up the width of the path but at 22 kms/hr…
Lovely hotel. Unloading the van.
Outside the Hofbräuhaus I spotted a Sphinx moth at the top of the Lantana planting. Often confused with hummingbirds as their wings blur and the tongue is long.
Ah, the dark bier!
Day 4 – Traunstein – by Larry Wilson
Day 3 in Bavaria – by Barb Mathias
It’s raining…
All day
Typical house. Love them.
Cows are often belled here, tinkling heard across the field