The Cross Canada Cycle Tour Society December 2024, Volume 42, Issue #11
President Paul Hough and Wife Nancy.
The festive season is upon us and we have much to celebrate this year. Our membership is significantly up and the club has successfully planned and conducted 8 great tours in Europe, the far East, Canada and the US as well as 4 hub & spokes. These experiences don’t just magically happen; it takes individual members to come forward with proposals and to plan them with guidance from our hard working Directors of Tours or Hub & Spokes, Robin Howe, Linda Graupner and Janet Whitehead. Our club is indeed fortunate to have such dedicated people as these three on the Board. Robin in particular has been the driving force behind several tours to exotic places, as well as supporting the development of many other tours. Linda has creatively developed two cross-country ski hub & spokes this year, in the Dolomites of Italy and in BC, in addition to assisting with the cycling hub & spokes. Of course, all of these require members to volunteer to be the tour leaders. We seem to be attracting a few new, keen tour leaders but we need to continue to develop a cadre of such leaders to ensure that the club can offer attractive tours and hub & spokes on an ongoing basis. But let’s recognize the great work that the following leaders of tours and hub & spokes have done in 2024!
Doris Maron – Grand Coulee Dam Loop
Linda Graupner, Nel Ahmed, and Geoff Kennedy – The Rideau Canal Panier Tour; and the Ottawa H&S
Jill & Larry Weldon – Slovenia, on the Sunny Side of the Alps
Bonita Douglas – Trail of the Coeur D’Alene’s
Janet Whitehead – Portugal – Alentejo and the Algarve
Linda Graupner – Dolomites Cross-Country Ski Tour; and Silver Star Cross –Country Ski H&S
Robin Howe & Dan Carey – Cycling South Korea – Seoul to Jeju; and the Sri Lanka Tour –Negombo to Colombo
Elaine & Dick Carpenter – Everett H&S
George Zorn, Craig McBride, Pat Hutchins, Nancy Knight, and Lorne Hunter – BC’s Nicola Valley Grasslands Gravel Roads H&S
And 2025 is shaping up to be another superlative year for tours and hub & spokes, so see the web site for details as these are posted and stay tuned!
Of course not all members desire to go, or simply can’t go, to far flung parts of the country or the world but they do enjoy cycling with fellow club members wherever they reside. The Chapters were formed to provide more opportunities for members within a particular region to meet, ride, hike or simply get together and the leaders in each Chapter are working to make their members experiences most enjoyable.
So as I said, we have a lot to celebrate as 2024 comes to a close. Personally I want to thank all the members of the Board for their dedication and support they have provide me as well as the club – they are a great group to work with.
For now, my wife Nancy and I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, a happy and safe holiday season and an active and memorable 2025. All the best!!
By Robin Howe, Director of International Tours
2024 Tour Season is Completed
Group on hiking outing
Our final tour of the 2024 season just completed. We offered six international tours, including our first ever cross-country ski tour, and three North American tours this season. Our final tour was Sri Lanka from Tip to Toe and what a wonderful tour it was! See some photos scattered through this report. Jungles, elephants, loads of peacocks, monkeys, wild boar, birds of every variety, and even a crocodile. Fabulous hotels, delicious foods, incredible guides and drivers, never having to lift your own luggage, the wonderful friendly Sri Lankan people, the stifling heat and humidity that was part of the entire experience. I wouldn’t have missed being “entertained” and served tea by the Sri Lankan Colonel with his pet giant squirrel, Kitty. Hmm. Were we guests that were escorted into his military base or were we being monitored? It wasn’t quite clear, but we were eventually “released”. Best of all, our little group on nine totally bonded. Thanks be to God for that since we were together all day, every day – cycling, getting transported on our support bus, eating together, swimming. It would have been rough if we didn’t gel as well as we did. I’m especially grateful for connecting with my friend of about 20 years, Jean MacDonald, and for Jean’s nursing skills, that we relied on more than once during the tour. Jean makes every tour a fun tour. Dan and I also reconnected with the very sweet Marjorie, who we met ages ago on a tour in Quebec. And, to all our new friends, Rob and Sue, Johanna, and Mark and Gaye. A special thanks to Rob for saving Dan’s life as the Indian Ocean was trying to drag him out into the Great Beyond.
CCCTS Tours Brand
So, what does the CCCTS Tours “brand” stand for? You must take note that I spent the first half of my working career in the retail apparel industry in the corporate administration side of things. So, retail is in my blood, and I can’t help thinking about CCCTS tours as a “brand”. My personal belief is that the CCCTS tours brand stands for:
- Value – Tours that offer a good value for the product. This doesn’t mean all of our tours are low cost. They definitely are not but I strive to make sure they offer good value for what is provided and always price compare with other cycle tours to the same locations to make sure of this. Specifically, I always price compare with BAC and People Cycling, two large American non-profit cycle touring clubs. Our prices always beat these clubs’ prices on a per day basis. And, of course, our tours are priced way below the for-profit cycle tour businesses.
- Senior-focused – CCCTS is a club that is focused on seniors. Seniors come in a variety of ages and fitness levels. We try to offer tours that work for the super fit and those that are more moderate in their fitness and cycling abilities.
- Canada–Focused – CCCTS is a club focused on its majority Canadian members. It’s true that others like me are allowed to join but in total we only make up 5% of the club. I’m not aware of another large non-profit Canadian cycle touring club specifically targeted to seniors. I for one am grateful to be allowed to be part of this wonderful Canadian club.
- Lasting Friendships– One of the best things about CCCTS is that you will make friends on our tours and if you go on another tour, you will undoubtedly see some of them again. I LOVE that about our club and have cycling friends dating all the way back to when we joined 21 years ago. As of the day this is being written, CCCTS has 666 active members. Lots of members but past surveys show that only about 44% of them go on tours so that translates to 293 people. (Other members participate in Hub & Spokes and weekly Chapter rides.) Still, lots of people but not so many that you won’t keep running into the friends you have made. Compare this to the membership numbers of People Cycling (not sure of the number but it’s lots) and BAC (maybe around 1,700 or so), who only run tours so all of these people go on tours. The likelihood you will see the same people when you tour with them is slim. More likely, it will be an entirely new group for each tour. I prefer to meet up with my friends on our CCCTS tours and still meet new people too.
As soon as Dan and I joined CCCTS back in 2003, I adopted CCCTS as my “brand” for cycle trips. Some people like to shop around and go with whatever tour group or club looks good to them. But not me. I prefer to stick with a good brand as long as my brand stays true to delivering a high quality product. CCCTS tours and H&S’s have never disappointed me over the years and now, as International Tour Director, I strive to ensure that our “brand” continues to stand for quality and value. CCCTS is my cycle touring brand by choice and I hope it will become yours too.
(Sorry, maybe a bit too verbose this month but I will just blame it on the meds for my second knee replacement surgery, which just happened yesterday.)
Mom and baby monkey
Tour Postings
Details for each tour will be posted when tour proposals and budgets are finalized and have been approved by the Board. This list in the Newsbrief is meant to give you a heads-up for your travel planning purposes until the final tour details are ready for publication. So, please watch your CCCTS emails and the website since tours will be posted one at a time as they are ready; all members will be notified via email when a new tour posts. Tour plans are always changing; as of today, this is the best information we have on the tours that will be offered for the 2025 season and some very draft ideas for the 2026 season too.
Dan with his barber in Colombo and his wonderful $2 haircut
Sue passing a tuk tuk
2025 – Draft list
- Camino Primitivo Walk – Spain– April 22 thru May 7 – Walking tour
- Slovenia – May 11-25
- Morocco – Atlas to Atlantic – May 18-June 3
- Croatia – June 1-17
- Cape Breton and PEI – July 19-August 2
(Scouting for first leg of the Cross Canada – summertime.)
- Maritimes Camping Tour – July or August
- Central Europe – Prague to Budapest – August 18-September 5
- Japan – Hokkaido – August 25-September 7
- Albania – August 29-12
- Scenic Oregon Byways – September 3-18
- Veloroute de Bleuet – September
- Vancouver Island TBD – September
- Discovery Islands and the Sunshine Coast – September 21-28 – camping tour
- Seattle Mini-Tour #1 – City & Eastside Suburbs – September 28-October 4 – pannier tour
- Northern and Central Thailand – November 18-December 11
Mark taking part in traditional hotel welcoming ceremony
2026 – Super draft stage
- Leavenworth, Plain, and Methow Valley X-C Ski – January or February
- Japan – Shimanani Kaido Region – April
- Portugal – April
- Seattle Mini-Tour #2 – Puget Sound Islands – June – pannier ride
- Partial Cross Canada Tour – Vancouver to Winnipeg (first section of Cross Canada) – summer of 2026 (August to mid-September)
- Alps to the Adriatic – end of August
- Tuscany – September
- Victoria to Port Alice – September
- Taiwan – November
Roadside vegetable stand
Please give us a call or send an email if there is a tour you would like to lead. We are open to considering any tour idea you have as long as it is a safe place for cycling. (International Tours = Robin Howe,, 206.899.7255; North American Tours = Janet Whitehead,, 604-516-9455)
Enjoy your holiday season.
Sleeping Buddha
Cycling trip to Albania filled with the unexpected
By David Sovka. Republished from the Time Colonist with his permission

Fortunately, after two weeks cycling around this strange, little-known Balkan country, while not sure what to expect next, they are ready for anything. This turns out to be a pretty good metaphor: Welcome to Albania. We are exploring Albania in a big, clockwise circle that begins on the western shore of Lake Ohrid, one of the oldest, deepest lakes in Europe, and the border with North Macedonia, which turns out to be a country that I don’t remember from high school geography class. Admittedly, that was last century, but it’s still disconcerting to have lost track of an entire nation. (Eventually I learn the Republic of North Macedonia was part of the old Yugoslavia, and was only officially named as such in 2019, after 30 years arguing with Greece). But this sort of thing is just the beginning of a trip full of the unexpected.
The scenery is very much worth the low price of admission: big mountains and wide valleys with steep hills covered in Jerusalem pine, olive trees, and vineyards. I mean it about the low price of admission. This is not nearby Croatia or Italy across the water, where everything is geared to what tourists are willing to spend. Meals here cost eight to twenty Canadian dollars, half what you will spend in Dubrovnik or Venice. The weather is lovely: warm and dry except when it is not, such as mornings when you forget to pack your rain gear. Albania is a small country in a hot part of the Mediterranean, but local weather is more influenced by altitude than anything else. The lowlands have mild winters, averaging about 8 C with lots of rain. Mountainous regions have many snow days. Summer is hot; temperatures average 33 C and the humidity is low.
Sunset on the “Albanian Riveria,” the Greek Isle of Corfu in the background.
If you’re thinking this all sounds quite vegetable friendly, you’re right. Market stands abound with big, bright, fresh produce. The main agricultural products are tobacco, figs, olives, wheat, maize, potatoes, grapes, meat, dairy and honey. Bee hives are everywhere, and the lack of industrial pesticides and herbicides mean the bees are as happy as… well, bees on flowers. Albanian roads are surprisingly great for cycling: smooth and pothole-free and without much traffic. This is pretty much the opposite of Victoria’s roads (hello, Shelbourne Street!) where my wife and I train for our cycle adventures, and a welcome surprise.
One afternoon after three or four hours in the saddle, only notable for having to dodge angry, barking dogs instead of the country’s usually docile, whimpering ones, we roll up to a small cable ferry that takes our group across the Ionian Sea to a peninsula called Butrint. We’re somewhere in the south of Albania, about 20 km from the modern city of Saranda, opposite the Greek Isle of Corfu. I don’t remember seeing signs for Butrint, but suddenly we leave 2024 for the ancient past, with bus parking.
Butrint, three thousand-year-old home to multiple civilizations: Illyrian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Ventian, Ottoman and Albanian.
Butrint was founded in the 8th century BC by exiles after the fall of Troy. Yes, that Troy, the one with Helen, Odysseus, Agamemnon, Achilles, and all the rest as told in the epic poem Aeneid. Also as told in The Iliad. And The Odyssey, Troilus and Cressida, etc. It’s a big deal, and I had no idea it was here. The place is dripping with history: people have lived here for almost 3,000 years. Not the exact same civilization, which is a key characteristic of Butrint: all sorts of empires flourished here and are on display, beginning with the ancient Illyrians, then the Greeks, followed by the Romans, the Byzantines, the Venetians, and the Ottomans, with guest appearances by Virgil, Julius Caesar, Ali Pasha and Lord Byron. It’s got everything, and it is in great shape, yet to be picked clean by tourists and privateers like Angkor Wat, Machu Pichu, and the Great Pyramid of Giza, all looted for their treasures, long ago. Here you can still see (and touch!) richly coloured mosaics from the Byzantine Empire just a few feet from even older city wall stones covered in carved Greek letters, naming slaves freed by their masters more than 2,000 years ago. The stones are easily readable today.
Butrint is one of those open-mouth UNESCO World Heritage sites. What I mean is, walking around the place you find your mouth actually open in wonder and wow at what you can see and touch. Nobody is in the way; there are maybe 150 tourists scattered over its 200 hectares. How is it possible that I’ve never heard of this place? It’s like this all over the country. Albania is full of wonders that were hidden from the outside world under a paranoid cloak of secrecy and exclusion, sort of like Oak Bay only with more torture.
You can’t visit Albania without seeing the “bunkerët.” I don’t mean you simply must go see them, darlings. I mean it is impossible to not see them. These concrete military bunkers – some 750,000 of them – are everywhere, from remote mountain passes to the middle of villages to olive tree-covered slopes overlooking the ocean. There is an average of 5.7 bunkers for every square kilometre of land in Albania, which is about the size of Vancouver Island.
One of the 750,000 useless, expensive, paranoid military bunkers that dot the Albanian landscape
The bunkers are yet another crazy legacy of Enver Hoxha, Albania’s communist dictator from the Second World War until his death in 1985. The bunkers were never used for their purported “protection from outside attack,” which was all part of Hoxha’s paranoid cult of suspicion that closed the country’s borders for more than 50 years, bred a kind of surveillance culture that turned Albanian on Albanian, and led to thousands tortured and then jailed for decades.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, Albania was the world’s second-poorest country. The cost of constructing all those bunkers was a massive drain on Albania’s resources, diverting the country from dealing with a housing shortage, poor roads and an even worse economy. On the plus side, the bunkers do lend a certain je ne sais quoi to the overall apocalyptic vibe in Albania. The dusty concrete domes with black eye holes really work with all the empty, burned-out or half-finished buildings we found in every single city, town and village. I couldn’t help but thinking I was personally biking through the Half-Life 2 computer game, having joined the resistance to liberate Earth from the Combine, an interplanetary alien empire. Imaginary apocalyptic visions aside, the psychological darkness you feel is real; another Hoxha legacy. Young people just don’t want to live in a country with no jobs and no hope, so they leave. Since the fall of Albanian communism in 1991, the modern Albanian diaspora has seen over 800,000 people leave the country, mostly settling in Greece and Italy and neighbouring Balkan states.
Early Albanian Republic carving from 1920, currently taking up a parking stall at a roadside restaurant.
Our last day of riding takes us on an existential quest we come to call “the Mountains of Madness.” It’s a simple ride on paper, some 70 kilometres of excellent coastal road over the Llogara Pass. The experience is a little more complicated, repeatedly calling into question your reason for existing after climbing climbing climbing more than 1,550 metres from the seaside village of Himarë, then ending at the seaside village of Vlorë. The view of turquoise water is spectacular, but seriously, why am I here? Is the universe empty, cold and uncaring, or does God love me and have a will and purpose for my life? For comparison, Vancouver Island’s Malahat Drive, which also makes me doubt my sanity and reason for existing, is just 25 km long and its summit is only 356 metres above sea level. Both passes are beautiful. The main difference in what you experience is that the Albanian road is almost empty. We are passed by a couple of buses, a handful of cars, and the occasional group of motorcycles. That’s it. We’re alone on the road, surprised at our good fortune to be here on our own. It reminds me of cycling the Icefield Parkway between Jasper and Banff in 1986, before that highway became a conga line of tourists.
Eventually we finish our tour of Albania, which mostly finishes me with an unexpected tummy bug that makes its appearance on the van ride back to Tirana. Surprise! In the end, seven of our 15 fall victim to this lurgi, which my wife and I ride out in a rooftop Tirana Airbnb. On the plus side, we have our own bathroom, and eventually are able to make it out for exploratory walks.
Clearly, there are no zoning regulations in effect: corner grocery stores are next to housing complexes next to barber shops next to newly constructed churches and mosques. Sometimes there are sidewalks, sometimes the sidewalks suddenly turn into steep stairways down to businesses, homes, or big holes in the road. Everything is a surprise, usually delightful, always interesting. Tirana’s downtown is busy with both car and foot traffic. Not everybody can afford a car, but those who do clearly see it as a status symbol worth keeping clean; car washes are everywhere.
A day or maybe two is enough to get the gist of Tirana. You will visit Skanderbeg Square, the usual big plaza found in the centre of most European cities. In this case named for a military commander who led a rebellion against the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century, was the only man strong enough to wield his fearsome sword, wore a magic goat’s head helmet, that kind of thing.
Despite the obvious misgivings you have about all the stairs, you will climb the Pyramid of Tirana, which is not really a pyramid but a massive, ugly whitewashed concrete building constructed in the brutalist Soviet style in 1988 to be an homage museum to Enver Hoxha. At the time, it was said to be the most expensive individual structure ever constructed in Albania. Now it is a conference centre and big thing for the few tourists to climb.
Worth a visit is Albania’s Museum of Secret Surveillance, aka the “House of Leaves,” a dark building surrounded by high walls and the requisite bunker. This former obstetrics clinic – an early European example of progressive medicine and social care during happier times – became the temporary Gestapo headquarters in 1943 when the Germans took over that part of the world. Soon after the Second World War, the Albanian Communist Directorate of State Security – the feared Sigurimi – took over the building, and used every room for one clandestine horror or another, hidden but known to Albanians and whispered about, hence the name. The House of Leaves museum opened in 2020 to commemorate the country’s experience of Cold War secret surveillance, and is filled with chilling artefacts, photos and displays that showcase just how repressive and brutal Enver Hoxha’s communist dictatorship was. Not for the first time I wonder about Hoxha, who began his career as a primary school teacher. What happened? Then I remember some of my own teachers at elementary school, and think, yeah … maybe … Numerous signs warn visitors not to take any photographs in the House of Leaves. I have no idea why, given the museum’s mission to publicly expose the brutal surveillance tactics used on Albanian citizens for 50 years, not to mention the torture, the confinement, the isolation, and the crushing cult of dictator worship. The irony of NO PHOTOS! seems lost on the people who run the museum. Perhaps another loss to chalk up to Hoxha.
The dreaded House of Leaves, headquarters of the Sigurimi, the Albanian secret service.
An alternative to the House of Leaves is the nearby Bunk’Art 2, a downtown version (and one of the largest) of the bunkers you see everywhere. It leads underground to another museum that reconstructs the extremely depressing history of the Albanian Ministry of Internal Affairs from 1912 to 1991. Essentially it’s more Sigurimi-porn, more upsetting history about how the political police used to spy on and control the Albanian people. Obviously, this stuff can be heavy going. So a good way to end your day in Tirana is to do what the locals do: xhiro. This is the surprising and delightful Albanian tradition of a sunset walk. The streets of Tirana fill with people in the evenings, walking, talking, smoking, and maybe having a glass of raki, the genuinely terrible alcoholic beverage made of twice-distilled grape “solids” common to Turkic and Balkan countries as an apéritif and/or industrial solvent.
I wish I had known about the drink earlier in our adventures in Albania. I’ll bet it would have been just the right shock treatment for the tummy bug, and made that final van ride a little less surprising for us all.