2024 Ireland – Mizen to Malin

The Mizen Head to Malin Head tour (Ireland end to end) was an idea conceived by Maureen Weston and Margaret Kavanaugh, who after much searching, decided the Wild Atlantic Cycling Tours was the best company to expertly lead our group of 22 cyclists. After many emails and much behind the scene organizing, 11 strong road bikers and 11 e- bikers met in Dublin. Coach transport dropped the group in Cork where we met up with Paul & Nik, our tour leaders, for our bike fittings and group dinner where we socialized with new and old cycling buddies.

Then off to Mizenhead the following morning  to begin our 12 epic days of cycling on the “Green Island”. Leaving Mizenhead, we witnessed the encompassing view of “The Wild Atlantic” and what was in store for us for the days to come …a panoramic view of white sand beaches, vast ocean at our side and green landscapes of pristine fields of crops surrounded by stone walls and of course plenty of cattle and sheep.

Each morning, after a hearty full Irish breakfast and bike “fettling”, Paul and Nik would brief us on the day’s route, highlights to stop for, coffee spots and the lunch meet up.They were very patient with bike troubles and helping lost souls find their way!!! Keeping us off main roads, with the Atlantic in our sight allowed us to experience true Ireland riding through farms, past peat harvesting, uphills and through small villages and towns where the locals delighted us with their friendly, helpful, local knowledge and hospitality.

We stopped many times to take in the ancient stone walls and monuments indicative of Ireland’s turbulent past. The ride included a ferry  from Tarbert to Killimer crossing the Shannon River Estuary. One of the highlights on our journey were “the Cliffs of Moher” situated high on a hillside with another amazing expanse of “the Wild Atlantic. We were awestruck.  From there we could see the island of Aran in the vast Atlantic.

We definitely had the “luck of the Irish” for weather, with the exception of two rain days.  During the Galway to Cliffden ride we endured driving rain and wind that even Paul, our guide reported to be the wettest & windiest he can remember. We showed them how tough Canadians really were and found out that even Gortex can’t stop everything!!!

On day 12 we embarked on our last 91km to Malin Head, the most northerly point of Ireland. After regrouping in the village of Malin Head we headed to our last big climb (about 18 km). At the top we were met with memorable views, a group picture and received our medals and certificates!  Our tired, but exhilarated bodies descended into Seaview for our last group lunch and goodbyes to the trusty bikes we had ridden for the past 12 days and to thank the Wild Atlantic Cycling Tour team, Paul and Nik, for the fabulous and well executed tour from “tip to tip”. It was GRAND, as the Irish say!!!

A coach was waiting to transfer us to Belfast for the last night where we were treated to a stay at the luxurious Titanic Hotel. Some chose to visit the Titanic museum while others explored the troubled past of Northern Ireland’s largest city by bus and on foot.  

During our trip the warmth and kindness of the Irish people was a welcome support. You only had to look bewildered and they would come to your aid. We of course took in the Irish culture, food, tasting the finest whiskeys, beers and of course Guinness from the tap, along with some fine Celtic music. And then there was the shopping for the Aran woolies available in most every town. Some of us managed to make room for the sweaters in our overstuffed baggage. A big thank you to the M & M team for their support, organization, friendship and planning in bringing this adventure to fruition. Slainte!!!

                                                  Sharon and Cathy

Please enjoy the pictures and details in the link from George the Miz Mal official photographer!! 

Thank you George!

 2024 Ireland – Mizen to Malin – Photo Album