We have 100+ members in our chapter who enjoy the riding and social aspect of our weekly rides.

Weekly Rides

Weather permitting, we offer group rides each Wednesday and every second Friday. The number of cyclists varies seasonally and week to week and, at the height of riding season, we may have 30+ cyclists come out to ride. Regardless of the number of cyclists, we ride in groups of no more than ten with a sub leader for each group. We have many routes in the Fraser Valley and across the border in  Washington State (Passport, Nexus or Enhanced Driver’s Licence required) and it is recommended you have health insurance coverage for Washington rides.   We primarily look for routes on quiet country roads or on roads with bike lanes or wide shoulders. We occasionally offer urban rides. Our Wednesday rides range from 60 to 90 km in length and cyclists must be able to maintain an average speed of 22 kph on the flats for the duration of the ride. Our “relaxed” Friday rides tend to be shorter in length (40 to 50 km) and go at a slower pace of 20 kph.

For information on the Wednesday and Friday rides, click on Calendar.

For meeting place, start time and destination, click on Events.


Carolyn Carlisle, , 604-250-3059 (email is best)

Edward Dillon, , 604-762-7978