W.C. Blair- Matsqui-Clayburn

13 October 2021 all day

Ride Name : WC Blair-Matsqui-Clayburn

Leader :- David Liggat, Ralph White, Maggie Macneil etc. 

Starting Point and start time :- WC Blair Rec. center departing at 9:30 prompt.

Please park in the new parking lot, we will depart from there which is on 221st street just west of the main rec. Center building.

Nexus or Passport :– no

Distance :- 77 km

Coffee stop location :-No coffee stop today, bring a snack for on the road.

Lunch stop :-Lepp Farm market @ 47 km.   https://www.leppfarmmarket.com/ 

Ride directions/Map :-  https://ridewithgps.com/routes/36789932

Comments :- Inward bound we have 12 km on Fraser Highway which can be busy and noisy.

Please note:- Effective October 1st 2021, all participants in all CCCTS club activities must be fully vaccinated for COVID 19.