Traditional Three Ferry Ride

11 September 2024 @ 7:30 am – 6:15 pm
Mary Winspear Centre
2243 Beacon Ave. Sidney
Deb Chamitoff


Cycle to Swartz Bay ferry terminal. Ferry leaves at 8:35 AM, arrives at Fulford Harbour at 9:10. Cycle to Ganges, with a coffee stop, then cycle to Vesuvius catching the 12:05 PM ferry Vesuvius to Crofton, enjoy a bag lunch in Crofton and beetle on down to Mill Bay to catch the 5:20 PMferry to Brentwood Bay. Ferry arrives to Brentwood Bay at 5:45 PM.  (if you miss this ferry, the last ferry leaves Mill Bay at 6:30 PM)
You can purchase your Mill Bay to Brentwood Bay ferry ticket at Thrifty’s in Mill Bay en-route, if time allows.

Please advise Deb at by __September 9th at  6 pm___ if you plan to participate in this annual ride. Please be aware that the route schedule is tight, so there will not be opportunities for extra stops. 
The weather looks iffy for Sept 11, but you’ll be advised with a NO GO by September 10th at 6 pm if it looks like serious rain. 

Bring your own lunch and snacks