Ride Name:- FV_Rural roads of north/south Saanich.
Ride leader:- Glen and Carol Evans.
Coffee stop:- Level Ground at 23km approx.
Lunch stop:- Matticks Farm, or bring your own lunch.
Distance:- 66km with 642m of elevation.
Directions:- https://ridewithgps.com/routes/40184957
Comments:- As any ride on the Island it’s not flat.
The best place to park on the Tsawwassen side is the west end of the Tsawwassen Mills mall or South Delta recreation Centre and ride out or pay and park at the ferry terminal. Please give yourself enough time to catch the ferry…..it won’t wait for you.
The ferry leaves at 8am. (will check the night before in case they cancel it).
Lunch at Matticks Farm. Can bring your own or buy lunch there.
For those that would like to we can stop at the Stone House Pub when we get back at the ferry and aim for the 5pm ferry