OSGOODE  – SPENCERVILLE 86.6k Fast Rollers

6 August 2024 @ 9:30 am


    Date of Ride :Thursday August 6, 2024
           Start time: 9.30 am at Osgoode Community Centre, 5660 Osgoode Main St.

          Name of ride: Osgoode – Spencerville, 86.6 km                   
           Ride Leader: Nel Ahmed, 613-592-2891. nelahmed7@gmail.com               
           Route details:   ridewithgps.com/routes/33363294

               We cycle to  Spencerville for a picnic lunch on the grounds of the Spencerville Mill possibility to pick up supplies at the Village Pantry, as well as the new coffee shop “The Odd Spot right next to the Village Pantry. 

Lunch: picnic  on the grounds of the Spencerville Mill

  On the return we will stop at the General Store in Halville for butter tarts, ice cream etc. 

         Registration times : Sat. Aug 3 at 9.00 am till Wednesday Aug at 6.00 pm
 Sign up

Link https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UPM2c3EpORLBac3pjSbJWoIrUqJUfuC2?usp=sharing