Chilliwack to Yarrow

26 August 2020 @ 12:00 am – 12:00 am

Ride Name: FV Chilliwack/Yarrow

Ride Leader: Maggie McNeill

Start Time: 9:30 am

Start Location: Townsend Park 45130 Wolfe Road Chilliwack

Distance: 75.64km

Nexus or Passport Needed: No

Coffee Stop: Yes Tim Hortons (20km)

Lunch Location: Vedder River Park (Rotary Trail) 50 km


Comments: Lunch at the Vedder River has washrooms, picnic tables and a coffee truck.  There is an opportunity to purchase food just prior to arriving at Vedder River but the better option is to bring a lunch.  Flat route up until lunch then busier roads and slightly more elevation after  For those who like ice cream there is an opportunity to stop in Yarrow, sample some of the many flavours at a shady park adjacent with washroom facilities before doing the final 20km back to the parking lot.