March 2025 Newsbrief
The Cross Canada Cycle Tour Society March 2025, Volume 43, Issue #3
What to do about American tours and hub & spokes?
With the unwarranted economic threats and the hostile language directed toward Canada by the new US administration, Canadians are generally feeling apprehensive about the future and are wondering how to cope with, or react to, this unwelcome, but not unexpected, assault.
The situation has certainly given Canadians common purpose and has brought the pride of being Canadian to the surface and expressed in so many ways from coast to coast to coast.
But as a cycling club that organizes tours and hub & spokes in many places including the US, the question has to be addressed as we have events already planned there for 2025 and will likely have proposals for future events there in the following years. So, do we change our policy to exclude events in the US? It should be noted that CCCTS has a relatively small number of US members but several among them have led tours, and will likely do so in future, or been on the Board, including our very hard working Director of International Tours, Robin Howe.
The Board has thoroughly assessed this issue and concluded that:
- The role of the Board is to promote safe cycling everywhere and to encourage members to come forward with proposals for interesting, safe and enjoyable tours and hub & spokes wherever they may be held;
- The Board is not there to tell members where they can or cannot go;
- It is entirely up to the members to decide if they wish to participate in any event being held in the US or wherever.
As a consequence, the Board has decided to retain those events already planned for 2025. Two tours have been cancelled due to low registrations but the others will go ahead as long as the numbers warrant.
In future, the Board will assess any proposals on their merits, without bias toward one country or another. Recent news reports have highlighted the fact that many Canadians have changed their plans and cancelled trips to the US, but the Board recognizes that such decisions need to be left with the individual.
The club has in recent years organized many tours outside of Canada and these have been well received by members. At the same time, the club seems to have gotten somewhat away from its original approach of having a number of camping tours and hub & spokes, mainly in Canada. This is seen as a normal evolution of the club, but the Board has long expressed the desire to see more Canadian tours, be they camping ones or not, and hub & spokes. The current diminished value of our dollar may have some influence.
The next few years are likely to be quite stressful for many Canadians, but the club needs to keep focused on providing the type of events that appeal to our members. If events in the US, or anywhere else, are approved but shunned by the members, then we will adapt.
Safe cycling wherever you are or wherever you go. For now take care.
Paul Hough
So, you’d like to travel closer to home for the next little while?
Some of the best cycling itineraries might be a close as our club website.
Check out our Tour and Hub & Spoke descriptions for inspiration!
Looking for a Hotel-Motel tour?
2023 Okanagan BC
Experience the Okanagan with 3 days in Vernon, Penticton then Oliver. Quiet roads, scenic vistas, small town charm and Okanagan sunshine! Part tour, part Hub & Spoke.
2023 Laurentian Pannier Ontario
A pannier tour takes you through a section of Ontario south of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. Explore several interesting regions; the western shore of Lake Simcoe and the city of Orillia, the historic Huronia region around Midland and Penetanguishene, the Georgian Bay/Wasaga Beach coastline, the Blue Mountain escarpment near Collingwood, and the Big Bay coastline near Owen Sound.
2022 Sunshine Coast BC
A motel-based tour of a beautiful portion of the Salish Sea and a circular route which can be done in either direction. Explore scenic coves, take the occasional hike, and check out Lund at the entrance to Desolation Sound. Take the ferry to Comox and make your way down the old Highway 19A. You can extend the trip and head to the Southern Gulf Islands before heading back to Vancouver.
2021 South Alberta
Visit Drumheller, Waterton Lake and Canmore to see the sights and cycle. Hike and bike for 9 days.
2017 BC Mountain and Lakes
A ride through some of the most picturesque and beautiful countryside that BC can offer, from the Okanagan to the West Kootenays. The route passes no less than 13 major lakes, such as Okanagan, Shuswap, Arrow, Slocan, Kootenay, Christina, and Osoyoos Lakes.
If you prefer a Hub & Spoke style cycle trip, check these out:
2025 Quebec’s Cantons-de-l’Est
Enjoy the Eastern Townships region for a week of cycling. The Cantons-de-l’Est form the southern part of the Province of Quebec and the region offers a scenic mixture of hills, lakes, forests, farmland and small towns. Add Montreal and Quebec City into the mix and you have a two-week trip to remember!
2023 Napanee Ontario
Napanee is situated about halfway between Toronto and Ottawa. South of Napanee the terrain is rolling and bordered by the Bay of Quinte and Lake Ontario. To the north is typical Canadian Shield country, wooded and rocky with lots of lakes.
2022 Duncan BC
Duncan is well situated to enjoy several days of riding around the beautiful Cowichan Valley. Visit Cowichan Lake, Chemainus and its world class murals, Cobble Hill wineries and a cidery, ancient railroad routes and the famous Kinsol Trestle. Maybe a drive to the Old Town Bakery in Ladysmith or to Genoa Bay café for lunch?
AND… remember there are incentives for leading a Hub & Spoke or Tour for the club. Contact Janet or Rhonda for more information.
Tech Talk
Ask Richard: Bike Tech Talk
Winter is a good time to ensure that you have all of your GPS devices working well for the Spring season. Some of you are preparing for cycling and have sent me more questions. I appreciate your questions and want to cover a couple of them here as they are of general interest.
Question: Dear Richard, I read your Ask Richard: Bike Tech Talk in the November 2024 CCCTS Newsletter. Am glad you posted the question regarding not being able to navigate a route on your phone. It confirmed what a few of us had suspected recently. I have been on club rides where I was unable to navigate from my phone. It is most likely because they were not on the club database. I would like to know if this is this only occurs when you use RideWithGPS (RWGPS) on your phone? Are you able to avoid this problem by using Wahoo or Garmin GPS devices?
Answer: That is a great question. Agreed, you will be unable to navigate with a phone if the club is not the author of the route unless you have a paid membership. However, if you have a paid RWGPS membership (Basic level costs 59.99 USD per year), you can use any of the routes on the RWGPS database from around the world.
You are right to think that using a different system, such as a stand-alone bike computer (Garmin, Wahoo, etc.) would avoid this issue since they take the RWGPS file and put it into their own system for navigation.
To test this out, I used a free RWGPS account to find a route that does not belong to our club. I downloaded the route as a .fit file (the format recommended by RWGPS for Garmin devices) to my computer and connected my Garmin Edge 1030 to the computer by USB cord. I transferred the file to the /Garmin/NewFiles area of the Garmin and then unplugged it from the computer and turned the Garmin off and on again. The new route was there and ready to navigate and did not require a paid membership! This is a nice (but expensive) solution to this problem.
Question: Many of us use an iPhone or other mobile phone to get RWGPS directions during a ride. If I want to be able to see the route on the phone while cycling, how can I ensure that I will have enough battery life for the whole ride?
Answer: To set up the phone for viewing the map during the ride, first load the route as usual, then start by tapping Navigate. Then tap the Tools icon near the bottom and then Settings. Turn on Handlebar Mode and Keep Screen On. That gets you started. In Android you can also specify that the screen only comes on while navigating. In both iOS (iPhone) and Android phones you will now be using the battery at an accelerated rate. The following can help reduce the rate of battery usage:
- Before starting the ride, download the route and save it to your phone so it does not require data to show you where you are on the map. There are many ways to download your route but the easiest is to PIN the route on a computer and then go to the RWGPS app on the phone and go to your Library/Pinned. Tap the route and when it comes up, Save/Download for Offline. From then on you can find that route in the Library/Offline before you go for a ride.
- Reduce searching for phone signals by turning off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth (unless Bluetooth is desired to connect to headphones or hearing aids to hear the turn instructions). You can also turn on Airplane Mode to stop searching for phone signal in isolated areas with little or no phone signal. However, I do not normally recommend using Airplane Mode since you may miss urgent text or phone messages from other riders during a Club ride.
- Turn on Low Power Mode in iOS or Battery Saver Mode in Android in the Battery Settings (this is found on the phone settings, not the RWGPS app settings). This reduces battery use by your mail and other apps that require data from time to time. It may also lower the screen intensity. It does allow you to continue to receive messages and calls and may extend your screen use time by 20% (my rough estimate).
- Disable Live Logging (the feature that sends out your current location to those you have authorized to receive the updates of where you are).
- Carry a battery pack to connect to your phone while navigating or at lunch stops. This can easily double the battery capacity for longer rides.
- Make sure your phone battery is in good condition before using it as a cycling GPS device. Your battery total capacity should be greater than 80% or it should be replaced. Also start out the ride with a fully-charged battery (so if driving for a remote start, plug in your phone in the car if you are using it for navigation).
- I would also caution you to remove your phone from the bike any time you are not close to the bike. If you have the screen on, a passer-by could take your phone and access all of the apps and data on your phone. That is a serious security risk.
Thanks for reading! Don’t hesitate to contact me if you are having problems with navigation. I will respond as quickly as possible and may also use your question as part of a later column.
Richard Tobin
CCCTS RideWithGPS Administrator
- 2025 Ultimate Vietnam Tour
Status: Registration opens Mon, 17 Mar 2025 5:00 PM
Dates: Mon, 3 Nov 2025 ‐‐ Thu, 27 Nov 2025 - 2025 Albania UNESCO Tour
Status: Ride is full, wait list only.
Dates: Fri, 29 Aug 2025 ‐‐ Thu, 11 Sep 2025Albania…one of the least developed countries in Europe with much to offer!
- 2025 Walking the Camino Primitivo, the Original Camino de Santiago
Status: Ride is full, wait list only.
Dates: Tue, 22 Apr 2025 ‐‐ Wed, 7 May 2025Come and walk the Camino Primitivo in Spain with CCCTS! While not the easiest Camino, it is a beautiful route of 235 km with time and space for contemplation and great views. At Santiago de Compostela, you will present your credencial to receive your official certificate of completion, the Compostela .
- 2025-Oregon Scenic Bikeways – CANCELLED
Status: Registration closed
Dates: Thu, 4 Sep 2025 ‐‐ Thu, 18 Sep 2025This 15-day tour will take us along the Willamette Valley Scenic Bikeway from Portland south to Eugene then carry on to Cottage Grove and the Covered Bridges Scenic Bikeway. Next, we will cycle the Historic Columbia River Highway 30 and Historic Highway State Trail along the Columbia River Gorge. The Waterfall Corridor in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area is home to dozens of magical waterfalls. Don’t miss this one!
- 2025 Northern and Central Thailand
Status: 9 slots are available.
Dates: Tue, 18 Nov 2025 ‐‐ Thu, 11 Dec 2025This is a Thailand bike tour for the ages from Chiang Mai to Bangkok. We trace the routes shaped by Siamese kingdom builders over millennia and delve deep into the diverse cultural fabric of modern Thailand, from small hill tribe villages in the northern highlands to the skyscrapers of Bangkok. Over 24 exhilarating days, we leave no stone unturned as we discover the rich heritage and natural beauty of the “Land of Smiles”.
- 2025 Slovenia Tour – on the Sunny Side of the Alps
Status: 8 slots are available.
Dates: Sun, 11 May 2025 ‐‐ Sun, 25 May 2025Slovenia offers stunning scenery for cyclists, with lush landscapes, picturesque villages, and breathtaking mountain views. Slovenians are a friendly people – and very proud of their country, its long history, its natural beauty, the fine wines, their unique cuisine.
The tour begins in Croatia (Zagreb) and travels to the lovely, small country of Slovenia. Tour destinations include Slovenia’s capital city of Ljubljana, Lake Bled, the Julian Alps, and the seaside port of Piran. Enjoy lovely and unique hotels and accommodations, including the underground rooms on a wine estate (windows on the ceiling), beautiful alpine and coastal scenery, visiting and passing through vineyards. Spring is such a beautiful time to be cycling in Europe, not only before the busy season, with new babies being born in the fields, lamb, goats, calves. Storks are nesting, trees are in blossom! - Reduced price!! 2025 Hokkaido North Island Adventure
Status: Ride is full, wait list only.
Dates: Mon, 25 Aug 2025 ‐‐ Sun, 7 Sep 2025REDUCED PRICE!! This AWESOME tour will be the last word in cycling the Japanese island of Hokkaido. Travel traditional trade routes and country roads through The Volcanic Mountain range of Daisetsuzan National Park “translated from Japanese as the Playground of the Gods” to the Pacific Ocean and the Japan Sea. This tour features Farm experiences, Ainu Villages, Cultural interaction and local community support. Don’t miss out!
- 2025 Tour of BC’s Discovery Islands and the Sunshine Coast
Status: 1 slots are available.
Dates: Sun, 21 Sep 2025 ‐‐ Sun, 28 Sep 2025British Columbia’s Sunshine Coast is one of Canada’s most beautiful destinations for a bicycle tour, offering stunning coastal scenery, charming towns, and lush forests. The combination of coastal beauty and charming communities promises to make this traditional bike tour a memorable experience.
- CANCELLED – 2025 Seattle and Eastside Suburbs Mini-Tour – Canceled due to Low Registration
Status: Registration closed
Dates: Sun, 28 Sep 2025 ‐‐ Sat, 4 Oct 2025A pannier ride exploring suburbs to the east of Seattle and several city neighborhoods too. We will have many fun stops, outings, and group meals.
- 2025 Central Europe Tour
Status: Ride is full, wait list only.
Dates: Mon, 18 Aug 2025 ‐‐ Fri, 5 Sep 2025Cycle through the heart of Europe on this 18 day tour. Starting in Prague, we will ride through parts of the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia and end in Budapest, Hungary. Our route meanders by castles, through rustic villages, and along waterways and winerys – as we enjoy the former territories of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Highlights include UNESCO heritage sites, national parks, and wine making regions.
- UPDATE! 2025 The Sand Dunes of PEI and Cabot Trail Tour
Status: 1 slots are available.
Dates: Sat, 19 Jul 2025 ‐‐ Sat, 2 Aug 2025Come and explore PEI and Cape Breton N.S. as it should be experienced — by bicycle! The tour begins in PEI on routes that will have us cycling through a riot of colour: verdant pastures that stretch out to scarlet cliffs, which drop into azure waters, red sandstone cliffs, scenic fishing villages and towering sand dunes as we cycle the island from one side to the other. We then transfer to Badeck N.S. to cycle the Cabot Trail! One of the world’s most beautiful bicycle routes. The Cabot Trail winds through glorious valleys and hills, along an expansive coast as it traverses the Highlands. Pods of whales can be seen just off the coast, while bald eagles soar on the breezes.
- 2025 Croatian Adriatic As it Used To Be
Status: Ride is full, wait list only.
Dates: Sun, 1 Jun 2025 ‐‐ Tue, 17 Jun 2025Come and cycle one of the most dramatic coastlines of the Mediterranean region. Enjoy the mountain vistas, coastal views, and medieval towns. This trip promises to be one you won’t want to miss.
Hub and Spokes
- Quebec’s Cantons-de-l’Est Hub and Spoke 2025
Status: Ride is full, wait list only.
Dates: Sun, 18 May 2025 ‐‐ Fri, 23 May 2025The National Capital Region chapter invites you to come to Quebec’s Cantons-de-l’Est (Eastern Townships) region for a week of cycling in the spring of 2025.
- Comox Hub and Spoke 2025
Status: Ride is full, wait list only.
Dates: Mon, 16 Jun 2025 ‐‐ Fri, 20 Jun 2025Pedal the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island as well as Denman, Hornby and Quadra Islands
- Saturna Island Hub & Spoke 2025
Status: Ride is full, wait list only.
Dates: Tue, 27 May 2025 ‐‐ Sat, 31 May 2025 - Puget Sound Hub and Spoke June 8 2025
Status: 12 slots are available.
Dates: Sun, 8 Jun 2025 ‐‐ Sat, 14 Jun 2025 - Puget Sound Hub and Spoke 2025
Status: 5 slots are available.
Dates: Sun, 22 Jun 2025 ‐‐ Sat, 28 Jun 2025 - Palm Springs Hub and Spoke 2025
Status: Registration closed
Dates: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 ‐‐ Sun, 23 Mar 2025Let’s get on that bike for some spring riding in Palm Springs, California. Join other CCCTS cyclists March 16-23, 2025 for great riding through Greater Palm Springs, a desert resort city surrounded by four gorgeous mountain ranges with plenty of bike lanes and coffee shops to explore. We will enjoy 5 days of riding near and around Indio while enjoying a comfortable stay in fully furnished rental homes. Then off to spend the last two nights exploring Palm Springs.
New Members
first_name last_name city province Kim McKenzie Victoria BC K Susan Guild Salmon Arm BC Derek Prout Salmon Arm BC Mike Keenan Surrey BC
Published at least ten times a year by The Cross Canada Cycle Tour Society, a non – profit organization for retired people and others who enjoy recreational cycling.
Items for the NEWSBRIEF must be received by the 28th of the month. The Editor reserves the right to edit for clarity, brevity and suitability of publication. The views expressed in the “NEWSBRIEF” are not necessarily those of the CCCTS or the Editor.
Submissions for NEWSBRIEF should be emailed to