Denman and Hornby Islands
Ten riders made the 9 AM sailing from Buckley Bay to Denman (Eamonn and Rhonda, unfortunately had some problems with a couple of flats on their way to the ferry and missed the 9 but caught the 10. Unfortunately, they did not run into us during the day and did their full 102 km on their own.) The weather was a bit cloudy to start with but, after conquering the first hill after getting off the ferry, things brightened up and we had a wonderful ride! Stopped at the Co-op store on Hornby then onto Whaling Station Bay and Tribune Bay before returning to Denman and tackling the hill on East Rd that seemed to never end. A nice downhill to the ferry and an ice cream at the Denman terminal to finish off the day! The route we took is shown here…a bit over 50 km
The “Choose a Ride” group had 3 people had an enjoyable ride to Cumberland.