Quadra Island (2017-07-21)

Quadra Island

Well, not a great day weather wise but we managed to fit 2 rides in today.  The travel group made their way up to Campbell River and caught the ferry over to Quadra where they were met by the Coordinators of the ride, Diana and Rob McKerracher.  It was a little drizzly in CR but by the time we made it to Quathiaski Cove, the sun was poking through (see picture for proof!) and most of the rest of the day was dry with a few sprinkles after lunch.  We had 6 people in Campbell River, but 2 bailed (no names mentioned, Tom &  Donna!) but, of course, after we added Diana and Rob we again had 6.  We made our way out to Cape Mudge and the Tsa Kwa Luten Resort.  From there we travelled to the other end of the island where we had a great lunch at the Heriot Bay Inn, after which we travelled back to the ferry.  Our ride, including the ride back to the Ken Forde boat ramp, was a little over 50 km.   A big thank you to Diana and Rob for their wonderful tour of Quadra island.

The other group of 5 people at the “Choose a Ride”, made their way out to Merville via Headquarters where they checked out the temporary petting zoo.  Two bailed at that point while 3 continued on to Seal Bay and home.  The group got pretty wet but had a good time.