Name of Hike : Gatineau Park hike from P16 to Meech Lake
Hike Leader : Barbara Wilson 613-355-2377
Meet : Gatineau Park Parking Lot P16 (Pine Road) off Hwy 105
P16 (Meech Creek Valley) – Google Maps
Distance : Approx 10 kms
Group Size : 15-ish
Route details : Start from Gatineau Park parking lot P16 (Pine Road). We will take trail 50 to trail #36 (Discovery). We will follow Trail 36 to within sight of Meech Lake. We will then pick up Trail 47 which meanders in a northerly direction to pop out on Trail 50 just before the big downhill. Then back to the parking lot. Wear suitable hiking shoes/boots, bring water and lunch. Bring spikes as there is still a lot of snow and ice around and about.
Lunch plans : Outdoors at an appropriate spot.
Coffee stop après-hike : Oiseau bleu marche cafe (1418 Quebec route Hwy 105)
Pre-registration times :
Tuesday, March 26 @ 8 PM-Wednesday,March 27 @ 3 PM
Sign up Link :