Ride Name : 13th Annual CENTURY RIDE
Leaders :- David Liggat (778-952-3245), Maggie McNeill.
Starting Point and start time :-Blair Recreation Centre 2220 Fraser Hwy. Langley B.C. V3A 3T2, at 7:00 am prompt.
Nexus or Passport :– no
Distance :- 162 km over three loops. (53 km., 72 km., and 37 km.). You can choose one, two or all three loops as you prefer.
Coffee stop location :- Have refreshments in car as we return back to starting location after each loop.
Lunch stop :-Fort Langley, IGA or your choice.
Ride directions/Maps :-
Loop 1 – 53.5 kms, departing from Blair Rec Center at 7am. Route: North to River Road in Langley and return. https://ridewithgps.com/routes/43946627
Loop 2 – 72 kms, departing from Blair Rec Center at 10am. Route: Heading south to Zero Avenue and north to Fort Langley – with a stop for lunch and return. https://ridewithgps.com/routes/43946808
Loop 3 – 37 kms, departing from Blair Rec Center around 2:30. Route: Cycling on the flats to Aldergrove and return.
Riders:- Loop 1, 9
Loop 2, 16
Loop 3, 11