Tour de Saanach.

16 August 2023 all day


Ride leaders:-  Victoria Chapter members and possibly some Fraser valley members.

The CCCTS Victoria Chapter has invited Fraser Valley Chapter members to join them for a ride on the Saanich Peninsula and a barbeque on Wednesday, August 16th

Fraser Valley riders will catch the 8 am ferry from Tsawwassen arriving in Swartz Bay at 9:35.  Plan to be ready to board the ferry no later than 7:45.  If you park at the South Delta Rec. Centre, it is 7.5 km to the ferry terminal so we suggest leaving the Rec. Centre no later than 7:20.

There have been a number of ferry sailing cancelations in recent days.  If the 8 am sailing is cancelled, we will take the 9 am sailing.

Leaders from the Victoria Chapter will meet us at the Swartz Bay ferry terminal (by the East exit gate),

There will be 2 ride options specifically for Fraser Valley members – 60 and 75 kilometres.  

The rides will proceed counterclockwise beginning with Lands End Road, traveling once around the Airport, down the west side of the Saanich Peninsula, then over to the east side and the barbeque at Cordova Bay, finishing through Sidney and back to the ferry terminal. 

A refreshment break will be set up at the picnic site on the airport bike path.

The barbeque will be held from noon to 3:30 pm to allow all the groups ample time to finish their ride and, in our case, return to Swartz Bay to catch the 4 pm sailing.  All food and drinks (no alcohol) will be provided by the Victoria Chapter.

Pre-registration for this event is required in order to know numbers for the refreshments and BBQ. Email the Fraser Valley Chapter at  Include your name and which ride (60 or 75 kilometers) you would like to join.  If you haven’t yet registered, please do so now.  Registration closing date: Thursday, August 10.

Riders:   20 riders met at Tsawwassen ferry terminal and another 4 joined us at Swartz Bay- 24.

Information Form