June 6th

  • Start: Casper, California
  • Finish: Gualala, California
  • Distance: 88k
  • Elevation: 1296 meters

Another day on the cook crew so I don’t have a lot of pictures. All the riders thought it was a wonderful ride. It was a bright and sunny day with classic California coastline. A very beautiful ride. And it so much more beautiful from the back of a bicycle.

We camped just a few kilometers north of Mendocino, so most of the riders stopped there to see the sights for a few minutes. Necla and I backtracked into Fort Brag to do our shopping. Then we drove to Mendocino and walked around for a bit. I had forgotten how much I like Mendicino. It is a very nice town. But we didn’t stay long. We needed to catch up with the riders, so we drove on to Elk.

Elk isn’t much of a town, but we found most of the riders there having a late coffee. We also found out that Bonita had had to catch a ride into Fort Bragg to get here bike repaired. Since she was quite a ways back by this point we decided to go back and pick her up. So we put Necla on the road and I went back to find Bonita. She was doing fine but the bike repair had delayed her quite a bit.

06campBonita and I then caught up with the lead rider (John) at Point Arena. We stayed there until all the riders had come in. Jean deserves a lot of credit for checking on Bonita and correctly diagnosing the problem. After lunch it was a quick 25 k into the campsite just beyond Gualala. It is a very nice camp site deep in the redwoods.


06DavidHere in camp we have a gigantic nursery stump with a very sizable redwood growing from it. We are not quite sure why David climbed up on the nursery tree but he did.