2025 Hokkaido North Island Adventure

You need to login in order to sign up for this ride. ‐‐ Registration opens Mon, 23 Sep 2024 5:00 PM

  • Leader: Robin Howe (robincooksandsews@gmail.com)
  • Leader Phone: 206-899-7255
  • Co-leader:   Rosanne Coumbis  043-414-2077 (Australia)
  • Tour Contractor: SNOW Inc./Free Wheeling Furano
  • Trip Dates: Mon, 25 Aug 2025 -- Thu, 11 Sep 2025
  • Trip Classification: Intermediate
  • Trip Fee: $100 CAD
  • Trip Numbers: minimum 16 , maximum 24
  • Trip Registration Opens: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 5:00 PM (pacific time)
  • Registration Lottery Ends: Sun, 29 Sep 2024 5:00 PM (pacific time)
  • Trip Registration Closes: Mon, 30 Jun 2025 5:00 PM (pacific time)
Ride Description:
Ride Fee:
Registration fee = $100 CAD [which will be refunded to those who 1) are not selected for the tour, or 2) who are selected if the funds are not used for tour activities]
  • 18 Day Tour = ¥1.3 million per person ($12,158 CAD on 8/26/24)
  • 14 Day Tour = ¥1.0 million per person ($9,338 CAD on 8/26/24)
Tour fee paid in Yen directly to tour company SNOW Inc./Freewheeling Furano

Over the Mountains and through the woods we will go. Cycling traditional trade routes and country roads through The Volcanic Mountain range of Daisetsuzan National Park “translated from Japanese as the Playground of the Gods” to the Pacific Ocean and the Japan Sea. This tour features Farm experiences, Ainu Villages, Cultural interaction and local community support.  
We are striving to leave a smaller carbon footprint while on this tour. We begin our cycling journey in Hokkaido’s capital of Asahikawa. Enjoying a night to meet, greet and get our bikes ready at the fashionable Hoshino resort OMO7 hotel. Leaving the city by crossing a few of the 140 estimated rivers and climbing our way to the Blue Pond and our Shirogane hot spring hotel. We will continue to the breadbasket of the area and Brad’s (one of our guides) hometown, Furano for two nights with options for secret hot spring hiking, farm visits and amazing local foods. Lake Kanayama and the traditional Ainu village of Biratori are next on the journey as we descend out of the mountains with pastoral views of thoroughbred horse farms along the Pacific coast. We stop for a night in the bustling port town of Tomakomai and continues along the coast to the UPOPOY museum, which celebrates Ainu culture. We will climb the hills near the sea to Noboribetsu and it’s geothermal “Hell Valley”, staying two nights in Hokkaido’s most famous onsen hotel, “The Takimotokan” We have options for sword making and indigo dyeing experiences in the nearby town of Date. Lake Toya, Mt, Yotei and the rolling hills of the Niseko area provide a stunning backdrop for the next few days of scenic riding. We plan to stay two nights in Niseko to take advantage of the exceptional riding and hiking options including a trip around Mt. Yotei. We continue to the Japan Sea around the stunning Shakotan with a visit to the Nikka Whiskey distillery peninsula finishing our adventure in the scenic port town of Otaru.  

Tour Contractor and Guides:

Tour Contractor is SNOW Inc./Freewheeling Furano. Our three Cycling Guides will be Brad, Paul, Zac who guided for the CCCTS 2023 Kyoto Noto Peninsula tour and everyone loved them. Yuki handles Administration/Payments for the company. Driver: Andy Knowles or Motohiro (Zen). We could not be in better hands with this talented group of people. Brad and Yuki
Brad Bennett has been active in the Cycle tour business of Japan for more than thirty years as a guide and advocate for making cycling safer. He and his wife, Yuki Masuko, started "Freewheeling Tours" in 2016 as an extension of Yuki's original Graphic Design company, SNOW. From 2024, Freewheeling Furano became a Licensed Travel Agency for domestic travel in Japan. Yuki is our ADMIN expert and helps manage payments and reservations. Brad enjoys being a "tour architect" and telling stories. We are fortunate to have Yuki keeping the accounts in line.
www.freewheeling.jp Shakotan Peninsula Cycling / Hokkaido https://youtu.be/DHgnSvRY4GI   Paul
Paul Taylor has been a resident of Japan for more than thirty years. He has worked for a range of public and private organizations and most recently for the Washington Post Ltd before retiring in 2018. He has been a group leader for ten years plus with the Cycling charity group, "KIWL", raising funds for Disaster relief and disadvantaged youth in Japan. Paul's current "retired life" has him leading VIP cycling tours throughout Japan for "Trek Travel"
www.kiwl.net www.trektravel.com/tour/cycling/japan/                 Zac
Zac Reynolds has been a resident of Japan for more than twenty years. He is part owner of the cycling brand “Muller” and very active as a cycling guide and professional broadcaster on Japan's Government sponsored network, NHK. He also has a passion for history which we fully appreciate on tours.
www.mullerjapan.com/en/ https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2070045/    

Accommodation Reservations:
We will stay at a mix of Japanese and Western Hotels with a few more traditional Ryokans that do not have toilets or showers in the room by design. Currently, three nights out of seventeen we will stay at a few more “rugged” places like a local family home, a renovated classic building and a mountain hot spring hotel that won’t have all the services that our usual 4-5 star hotels offer. There will be opportunities for public and private bathing with natural springs at many of the hotels. From our guides – “Paul (our other lead guide) and I are especially excited about the amazing fresh food and culinary experiences that the different hotels will offer. Hokkaido has less choice than most areas of Japan due to its lower population. We have visited each location and feel confident that we have the best accommodation for our group in each area.”
Two persons per room at each location. We won’t be able to accommodate single supplement travelers for this tour due to hotel constraints.
*Accommodation subject to change in case of weather or other conditions. 

Our two lead guides – Brad and Paul

Riding Conditions:
We will cycle a total of 1,000 kilometers on protected riverside paths, quiet country roads with a few substantial climbs between mountains. There will be a few main road sections that are the only option. We will encounter a few tunnels (most with sidewalks although a few without) which require special attention. The pavement quality in Hokkaido is slightly rough due to harsh winters. We are recommending our Cross bikes and E-Bikes with gravel style tires for a more comfortable and safer ride on the secret local roads we want to introduce. 
We will enjoy coastal views that could be windy and some seasonal rain although we expect warm days (average 25C) and cool evenings (15C) for our tour. We will ride together in three groups and take breaks, meals together.  
Our average day of cycling would be estimated at 70Km with 500-700 meters of possible climbing each day.  
Fee Includes:

  • Lodging for 13 or 17 nights based on two people sharing a room. 
  • GPS routes 
  • Food / Meals, Snacks, Drinks but not Alcohol. 
  • Two Support Vehicles for Gear and 2-4 available seats for riders. 
  • Group Activities or Group Transportation on any day. 

Fee Does Not Include:

  • Transportation to and from the starting and ending point of the tour. 
  • Bike Hire and helmets: Cross Bike ¥68,000 ($635 CAD on 8/26/24) /E-Bike ¥102,000 ($952 CAD on 8/26/24) 
  • Navigation aids (maps, Cycle Computers) 
  • Visa (not needed for those with Canadian, US, UK, or US passports)
  • Medical/Travel Insurance 
  • Meals other than mentioned in the itinerary
  • Any services not mentioned in the itinerary. 
  • Tour Coordinator fee (waived)


B=Breakfast L=Lunch D=Dinner
Day 1: Mon 08/25 Asahikawa arrival.
Our first day/night we arrive in Asahikawa with our hotel just 30 min from the airport. We will start with a welcome dinner at the hotel and meeting about the tour. We will get fitted on our bikes, add bags, pedals, computers etc.  
Arrival Flight: Asahikawa Airport.
Accommodation: OMO7 Hoshino Resort  Meals: -/-/D  Ride: N/A 
Noteworthy: Asahikawa night walk. Otokayama Sake Brewery,  Hattori Cycle shop, Shugakuso Outdoor Shop.  
Day 2: Tue 08/26  Asahikawa – Shirogane Onsen  

We will cycle out of Asahikawa with views of Hokkaido’s tallest peak, “Asahidake”, Leaving the city on riverside cycling paths passing by Chiyoda Farms en route to the famous Blue Pond and our stay in Biei (recognized as one of the most beautiful villages in Japan). Accommodation: Rin Rest in Nature Hotel Meals: B / L / D  Ride: 70Km, 630m elevation gain
Noteworthy: Protected city cycling pathways, views of Hokkaido’s tallest peak, “Asahidake”, Leaving the city for the countryside. Lunch at Chiyoda Farm or Picnic. Dinner and Breakfast at Hotel. 
Day 3: Wed 08/27  Shirogane – Furano
The rolling hills of Biei and Furano are commonly referred to as “The Tuscany of Japan”. We will enjoy a long downhill cruise through Biei with a rustic farm lunch. Brad knows so many good rides that we have to stay in his hometown of the Furano area two nights to fully appreciate the region. 
Accommodation: The Highland Hotel Meals: B / L / D  Ride: 75Km, 200m gain
Noteworthy: Lunch at Kaneko Coffee. Breakfast at hotel. Sushi dinner at “Fuku-Sushi”. Patchwork Farms, Rolling Hills. Furano Winery Tour 
Day 4: Thur 08/28  Furano Highlands Tour 
We continue our journey through farmlands and patchworks of fields with Volcanic mountains in the distance, cycling through Kami-Furano which is the gateway for climbing the Tokachi mountains. We plan to stop by the Goto Sumio Museum for lunch and viewing his paintings of the local mountain views. 
Accommodation: The Highland Hotel Meals: B / L / D  Ride: 80Km, 400m gain
Noteworthy:  Breakfast Buffet at Hotel, Goto Museum Lunch...Kodomaya Japanese Restaurant / Tempura/Noodles for dinner (Kodomaya)
Day 5: Fri 08/29 Furano – Lake Kanayama  
We will cycle around the Rokugo Highlands continuing over the challenging Ikutora pass to Minami Furano and Lake Kanayama where we will stay in a Private Log cabin resort. 
Accommodation: Larch Hotel Kanayama  Meals: B / L / D  Ride: 60Km, 750m gain
Noteworthy: 88 Buddha Statues, Mont Bell store in Minami Furano, Svalbard Cafe catered lunch, first big climb of the tour. French Dinner, Breakfast at Hotel. 
Day 6: Sat 08/30 Lake Kanayama – Biratori
A longer day in the saddle, we will cycle over the Kanayama pass and downhill and downriver through the stunning Mukawa river gorge through the sister city of Aspen, Colorado, Shimukappu and to the Ainu settlement of Biratori and the healing waters of Yukara Hot Springs. 
Accommodation: Biratori Onsen Yukara  Meals: B / L / D  Ride: 80Km, 800m gain
Noteworthy: Authentic Ainu village, Nibutani Ainu Culture. Dinner, Breakfast at Hotel. Lunch in Hidaka (Michinoeki) 
Day 7: Mon 08/31 Biratori – Tomakomai
We get our first Pacific Ocean views as we cross marshlands with amazing vistas of seaside ranches for thoroughbred racehorses 
To avoid large trucks, we will take a slightly longer route knowing that our Hot Spring Hotel will be waiting for us when we finish.    Accommodation: Dormy Inn Onsen Hotel  Meals: B / L / D  Ride: 70Km, 150m gain
Noteworthy: Laundry services, Staying downtown. Dinner at local restaurant featuring Wagyu beef. Breakfast at Hotel. Lunch TBD (Mukawa area) 
Day 8: Tue 09/01 Tomakomai – Noboribetsu
We return to the coastline via a scenic road en route to the National Ainu museum “UPOPOY” We can check the exhibits, walk around the grounds and enjoy lunch here. The last part of the day is a formidable hill climb to “Hells Valley” or “Noboribetsu”. We will be staying two nights at Hokkaido’s oldest traditional Ryokan’s and certainly the largest collection of hot spring baths on the north island.  
Accommodation: “Takimotokan Ryokan Hotel”  Meals: B / L / D  Ride: 70Km, 300m gain
Noteworthy: Oldest Onsen Hotel in Hokkaido, Whiskey Bar, Walking Paths through the volcanic park. We will have a rest day here with optional nature walks in the morning and afternoon. Dinner, Breakfast Buffet at Hotel. Lunch at UPOPOY museum. 
Day 9: Thur 09/02 Noboribetsu Hiking and Cultural Day 
A rest day with plenty of options for walking, hiking, bathing and of course some optional shorter cycling courses of the area.Morning and afternoon cultural experiences available. 
Accommodation: Takimotokan Ryokan Hotel Meals: B / L / D  Ride: 30km (optional course), 300m gain
Noteworthy: Optional Indigo Dyeing, Sword Making experience in Date museum.  (Morning tour and Afternoon tour) Dinner, Breakfast Buffet at Hotel. Lunch in the Hot spring village or in Date. 
Day 10: Fri 09/03 Noboribetsu – Hotel Lakeside Lake Toya
We will start refreshed from an extra rest day. Cycling along the Pacific Ocean through Muroran passing by the Samurai town of Date where we enter the Lake Toya Caldera near the Showa Shinzan active volcano. 
Accommodation: Hotel Lakeside Lake Toya   Meals: B / L / D  Ride: 65km, 350m gain
Noteworthy: Lake Toya Caldera views. Our Hotel is on the lake with nice boardwalks, shops and parks within walking distance. Dinner, Breakfast Buffet at Hotel. Lunch: Date Museum area. 
Day 11: Sat 09/04 Lake Toya Tour 
We will cycle around picturesque Lake Toya and plan to have a local Soba lunch. Optional boat tour of the lake.

  Accommodation: Hotel Lakeside Lake Toya   Meals: B / L / D  Ride: 65km, 300m gain
Noteworthy: Showa Shinzan Volcano tour, Volcano expert guide for short tour. Dinner, Breakfast Buffet at Hotel. Lunch at local Soba restaurant. 
Day 12: Sun 09/05 Lake Toya – Niseko
Leaving Lake Toya, we climb towards the mountains passing through the beautiful farmlands of Makkari with stunning views of Mt. Yotei, also known as “Ezo Fuji” due to its cinder cone appearance resembling Mt. Fuji. 
Accommodation: SKYE Hotel  Meals: B / L / D  Ride: 70km, 450m gain
Noteworthy: World class ski resort, trendy cafe’s and fancy restaurants. Some of the best cycling around Hokkaido can be found in Niseko (It’s almost as good as Furano) Dinner, Breakfast Buffet at Hotel. Lunch: Makkari picnic 
Day 13 Mon 09/06 Niseko – Around Mt. Yotei  
We will cycle around Yoteisan for a grand tour of the Niseko area.  
Accommodation: SKYE Hotel  Meals: B / L / D  Ride: 60km, 450m gain
Noteworthy: UCI Niseko Classic cycling route. Natural spring water for drinking, Dinner, Breakfast Buffet at Hotel. Lunch in Fukidashi Park (Natural Spring Water Heaven) 
Day 14: Tue 09/07 Niseko
Saying goodbye to the mountains of Niseko, we return to Chitose Airport by train or Bus transfer. 
End of Tour for the shorter 14-day tour
For those who are continuing on with the 17-day tour:
Day 14: Tue 09/07 Niseko – Iwanai
Saying goodbye to the mountains of Niseko. We will follow the path of the new bullet train, finishing the ride on remote country roads leading to Iwanai ski resort with our first views of the Japan Sea coast. 
Accommodation: Iwanai Kogen Hotel  Meals: B / L / D  Ride: 60km, 700m gain
Noteworthy: Beautiful mountain roads, first views of the Japan Sea. 
Day 15: Wed 09/08 Iwanai – Cape Kamui
We enjoy a downhill cruise through the sleepy town of Iwanai on the way up the coast with views of the mythical blue waters and rock formations of the Shakotan peninsula. We have a few tunnels here that require our attention. 

Accommodation: Relaxation Hotel Iida.  Meals: B / L / D  Ride: 65km, 250m gain
Noteworthy: Stunning oceanside views and a few scary tunnels that are unavoidable. A sunset visit to Cape Misaki is our goal for the day. 
Day 16: Thur 09/09 Cape Kamui – Yoichi
Much like the Noto Peninsula, The Shakotan area is popular with local and inbound travellers. We will tour quieter roads on our way to Yoichi and the Nikka Whiskey distillery for a behind the scenes tour of Hokkaido’s premiere whiskey brand. 
Accommodation: A-Brand Golf Hotel  Meals: B / L / D  Ride: 45km, 400m gain
Noteworthy: Remote views and stunning scenery. 
Day 17: Fri 09/10 Yoichi – Otaru
We cruise along the coast to the quaint port town of Otaru.  
There are a few last hill climbs that provide nice views and a safer approach so our last day in the saddle is a bit shorter. We plan to arrive in Otaru for an early lunch and harbor tour. 
Accommodations: Unwind Otaru  Meals: B / L / D  Ride: 35km, 300m gain (Hill climb to avoid last tunnels)
Noteworthy: Last Dinner Party at Hotel. 
Day 18: Sat 09/11 Otaru Return to Chitose Airport by train or Bus transfer. 
Meals: B / - / - 

Registration and Participant Selection:
Registration will be on the CCCTS website on the date shown. A computerized lottery system and waitlist will be utilized in the event that the ride is over- subscribed. A $100 CAD payment is required at the time of registration. The lottery signup will run for 7 days, after which the Ride Leader will review the results.
The selection process will consider the following criteria in evaluating candidates: 
  • fitness and riding ability and experience required for the tour,
  • a history of demonstrating safe riding practices,
  • acceptable social behavior.
  • The leader may interview riders or others who know them to verify their suitability for the tour.
  • The leader also has the option to prioritize 30% of the tour applicants up to a maximum of 6 people.
  • The leader will notify registrants of their selection status. If the ride is not filled to capacity, registration will continue until the closing dates shown.
    • Tour member selection is done primarily by lottery results but the leader will have the final decision on who is accepted or not for the tour.
  • After you have been notified you are selected for the tour, the tour fee deposit of 30% of the tour fee - 300,000 Japanese yen for 14-day tour ($2,801 CAD per exchange on 8/26/24) or 390,000 Japanese yen ($3,642 CAD per exchange on 8/26/24) for 18-day tour ) will be due on November 30, 2024 date.
  • In the event of cancellation – The registration fee is non-refundable. See contractor’s cancellation policies below.  

Freewheeling Japan Booking Conditions and Terms of Service
Payment Terms
  • All payments should be made in YEN – we unfortunately cannot accept any other currencies. 
  • A deposit of 30% of the full payment is required by November 30, 2024.
  • The balance of full payment is required 60 days before departure.
International transfer fees or bank charges may not be deducted from the amount listed on your invoice. These fees are an additional charge that the transferor is responsible for paying. 
Cancellations and Refunds
Cancellations must be made in writing to the Tour Coordinator and to SNOW Inc.  yuki.m@snow-inc.jp 
The following charges will apply:
  • 90 – 76 days before departure 10%  (May 27 – June 10 2025 ) 
  • 75 – 59 days before departure 30%  (June 11 – June 27, 2025)
  • 58 – 45 days before departure 50%  (June 28 – July 11, 2025)
  • 44 – 15 days before departure 80%  (July 12 – August 10, 2025)
  • less than 15 days before departure 100%  (August 11, 2025 – arrival)"
Refunds will be made net of bank related fees. 
Bank Transfer Information.  All transfers should be made in YEN, unfortunately other currencies cannot be accepted. 
Beneficiary Name: Snow Inc
Address: Dogenzaka Tokyu Bldg. 2F-C, 1-10-8 Dogenzaka Shibuya Tokyo 150-0043
Bank Name MUFG Bank Ltd
Bank Address 1-4-5 Marunouchi Chiyoda ku, Tokyo, 100-8212
Branch Name Aoyama
Branch Code 608
Account Number YEN 0098791

Communicable Illness Information:
  • The CCCTS Communicable Illness Policy takes into consideration regulations from the Public Health Authority of Canada, BC Centre of Disease Control, and Public Health Ontario.  In the case of illness while on tour, it is expected that all participants will follow the procedures outlined in this policy.  Please refer to https:cccts.org/club-document/communicable-illness / updated March 30, 2024 for details on the club's communicable illness policy.
  • CCCTS strongly encourages all participants to be up-to-date on their vaccinations for COVID and all other communicable diseases.
  • Everyone should bring 3 Covid test kits with them on the tour and take responsibility for self-testing if they feel ill.

Air Travel Emissions
A return flight from Vancouver to Hokkaido is approximately 13,800 km and will produce about 2.5 Tonnes of total emissions per person. For comparison, one year of driving a gasoline-powered car produces 2.0 Tonnes of total emissions. For more information on the impact of those emissions on climate change and extreme weather events, see https://cccts.org/club-document/air-travel-emissions-from-cccts-tours/.