Pine Grove Walkabout 2.5-3 Hours

18 November 2021 @ 9:00 am

Pine Grove Walkabout

Date/Time : Thursday Nov 18 / 9:00-12 noon-ish

Hike leader : Mary-Frances (France) Brule 613-791-0902

Meet : NCC Greenbelt Parking P19 (Leitrim Rd.)

Time : 9:00 AM at trailhead (Second group with leader 9:15 AM)

Information and Suggested Route :  NCC Greenbelt Pine Grove section is the largest forested area of the Greenbelt. It is a combination of plantation and natural forest. Walking trails are flat and mostly wide for easy walking. Due to rain they could be wet and muddy. Please wear waterproof hiking boots.  We will follow trail 45 and loop north and west crossing Hawthorne Rd, then taking trail 44 and trail 43 looping around and crossing Davidson Rd. We will head back south and cross back to trail 45 returning to the parking lot P19. This hike is approx. 10.5 kms and due to flat easy terrain can be walked at comfortable to quick pace to be completed in approx. 2.5-3 hours.

Link to NCC Pinegrove:

Link to NCC P19 parking on Leitrim Rd.

This would be about 2.5 – 3 hours at a good pace.

Group Size : 12 per group including leader.  Max. 2 groups

What to wear/bring : Sturdy footwear, Dress for the weather, Small pack for water and snack, Hiking poles, if you wish.  NOTE : trails may be boggy in places.

Coffee/lunch TBD.

Sign up between Tuesday November 16  @ 8 PM and Wednesday November 17@ 3 PM

Sign-up link: